This plug-in module comes with a SAMRH707F18 32-Bit ARM Cortex M7 MCU device. It can be used with the Microchip MCHV-3 [DM330023-3] and MCLV-2 [DM330021-2].
MCLV-2 Low Voltage BLDC Kit - DM330021-2
MCHV-3 High Voltage BLDC Kit - DM330023-3
Field Oriented Control code is available at the attached download package for PMSM type motors to enable customers to get started immediately.
PLEASE NOTE: For use with the MCHV-2 and MCHV-3 (High Voltage) external programming adapter AC320202 is required to safely connect to a PC.
AC320202 Isolated Debugger Interface
All of the software covered in this application note is available as a MPLAB Harmony application. This application can be found with the <installdir>\apps\motor_control folder of your MPLAB Harmony installation.
The MPLAB Harmony Integrated Software framework can be downloaded from:
SAMRH707F18 Plug In Module