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Contact one of our Security Design Partners for assistance with implementing security in your embedded design.
Amazon Web Services has built IoT-specific services, such AWS Greengrass and AWS IoT Core, for cloud users. These services help collect and send data to the cloud and make it easy to load and analyze the information. They also provide the ability to manage your devices, so you can focus on developing applications that fit your needs.
Cerberus is a design house that can evaluate the security of your product and help you to fix security vulnerabilities using the latest technologies and attack methods.
CycloneSSL is a lightweight TLS/DTLS implementation targeted for use by embedded application developers. It provides the ability to secure communications over the Internet (e.g. electronic mail, web server, file transfer, IoT protocols, VoIP). CycloneSSL implements all the necessary cryptographic features to make your secure your application. The stack is distributed as a full ANSI C and highly-maintainable source code.
EPS Global with HQ in Europe , is one of the world’s largest programming service companies with 18 programming centers worldwide. Through EPS, Microchip customers can seamlessly access a global network of secure programming and provisioning centers to service their requirements, from prototypes to high volume.
Google Cloud Internet of Things (IoT) Core is a fully-managed service that allows you to easily and securely connect, manage and ingest data from millions of globally dispersed devices. Cloud IoT Core, in combination with other services on Google Cloud IoT platform, provides a complete solution for collecting, processing, analyzing and visualizing IoT data in real time to support improved operational efficiency.
The cornerstone of security is managing and controlling the huge variety of devices connecting to all types of networks. With over 15 years of industry experience, Kyrio provides certificate authority management for device identity, access control and management of large multi-vendor ecosystems on the largest networks in the world.
Occam provides comprehensive engineering services that deliver recognized expertise, scalable agility, and proven processes needed for any stage of your product development lifecycle.
A leader in IoT focused digital consultancy, Optimal Design understands how to innovate, design, engineer and commercialize disruptive technology products. They combine strategic thinking with compelling designs, multi-disciplined engineering, and sourcing expertise to create connected products that revolutionize our clients’ industry and business model.
WolfSSL provides an embedded SSL/TLS library enabling secure communication for IoT, smart grid, connected home, automobiles, routers, applications, games, IP, mobile phones, the cloud and more.