Have you ever wondered how much energy your blender, toaster, coffee maker or other appliance is using? With the ever increasing cost of energy, understanding consumption patterns is a very important part of minimizing energy usage. The Wireless Energy Monitor enables the real-time collection of consumption data as well as remote on/off control. The data can be viewed locally by connecting via an ad hoc Wi-Fi® connection or remotely by connecting to a cloud server. This reference design can help kick-start your own connected home, smart appliances or smart energy designs.
The Wireless Energy Monitor is part of our Connected Home platform. At the heart of the design is a low-power nanoWatt XLP 16-bit PIC24FJ256GA106 PIC® microcontroller. Energy consumption is monitored by the MCP3901, a two-channel analog front end with high-accuracy 16/24-bit delta-sigma Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs). The SST25VF032B supplies 32 Mbit of Flash to store data locally in off-line mode. Date and time stamps are kept accurate by the stand-alone MCP79410 Real-Time Clock/Calendar (RTCC) with battery backup. The energy consumption data is transmitted via the agency-certified (e.g. FCC) MFR24WB0MA Wi-Fi module.
Microchip Technology can help you implement the new features and functionality required for your next appliance design. By providing solutions for user interface, motor control, sensing, connectivity and more, your design teams can focus on implementing the application.