Merging the high efficiency and rapid switching capabilities of MOSFETs with the high voltage and current handling capacities of bipolar transistors, Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) power modules are essential components in contemporary power electronics. These modules are utilized to control and convert electrical power in various applications, including industrial motor drives, renewable energy systems, Electric Vehicles (EVs) and power grids.
IGBT power modules consist of multiple IGBT chips and freewheeling diodes that are encapsulated in a single package, offering a compact and efficient solution for high-power applications. They provide benefits such as reduced power loss, high thermal stability and robust performance under demanding conditions, making them the most prevalent power modules used globally in mid- to high-power voltage applications.
We offer IGBT modules in various packages (SP1F, SP3F, 34 mm: D1, 62 mm: D3, D4, SP6C, SP6LI, SP6P and integrated SP6HPD), across multiple technologies (IGBT Trench 3, Trench 4, Trench 4 fast, Trench 5 and the new IGBT Trench 7, or IGBT7) and in various topologies (single switch, half bridge or phase leg, Buck chopper, Boost chopper, three-level NPC, three-phase bridge, dual common source and T-Type, among others). Higher voltage (up to 1700V) and current (up to 900A) ratings enable a multitude of applications. We offer more than 300 variants of standard IGBT modules and we are distinguished as a comprehensive power solution provider by our ability to provide derivative, integrated and fully customized solutions. We also offer antiparallel SiC diodes for hybrid SiC versions, providing design flexibility without additional costs.
The new seventh generation of IGBT power modules is now available in seven packages across 49 parts. These devices feature lower VCE(sat) and Vf, overload capacity at Tj 175°C, 50% higher current capability, enhanced controllability of dv/dt, improved freewheeling diode softness and simpler driving compared to previous legacy generations. These features offer a differentiated value proposition of high power density, durability, reduced system costs, higher efficiency, ease of use and faster time to market.
Widespread use across all applications enables economies of scale, availability and cost efficiency.
IGBT modules are rugged in performance and easy to use due to their simple gate driving mechanism.
IGBTs can switch on and off rapidly, which is crucial for applications that require precise control of power up to 50 KHz of switching frequency.
IGBTs offer low conduction and switching losses, making them highly efficient. The seventh generation of devices enables higher power densities with high efficiency.
IGBTs can handle high voltages (up to several kilovolts) and large currents (hundreds of amperes), enabling precise high-power control.
IGBT power modules are integral to the powertrain of EVs and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and Construction and Agricultural Vehicles (CAVs). They are also used in actuation and propulsion of More Electric Aircrafts (MEAs). They are used in inverters, DC-DC converters and onboard chargers to manage the power flow between the battery, motor and other electrical components, enhancing the vehicle's performance and efficiency.
IGBT power modules are widely used in Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) and servo drives to control the speed and torque of electric motors in industrial machinery. They provide efficient and precise motor control, which is essential for automation and manufacturing processes.
In High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems and Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs), IGBT power modules are used to improve power distribution efficiency and grid stability. They enable long-distance power transmission with minimal losses and help in maintaining voltage levels within the grid.
In solar inverters and wind turbine converters, IGBT power modules are crucial for converting and managing the power generated from renewable sources. They help to maximize energy harvest and ensure efficient power conversion from DC to AC.
IGBT power modules are used in UPS systems to ensure a continuous power supply to critical loads during power outages. They provide efficient power conversion and fast switching capabilities, which are essential for maintaining the reliability and performance of UPS systems.
Discover our versatile IGBT 7 power modules, offering increased current capability, lower losses and high efficiency in multiple package options. Covering voltages from 1200V to 1700V and currents up to 900A, these modules deliver power, precision and performance for diverse applications.