Electric motors are everywhere, spanning industrial, automotive, consumer and medical applications. Since these electric motors are an integral part of many electrical devices and consume significant power, minimizing power consumption is an essential design consideration. Our dsPIC33E MC family offers 70 MIPS performance, a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) engine and specialized peripherals for implementing high-efficiency, high-precision, variable-speed, constant-torque Proportional Integral (PI) control and Field-Oriented Control (FOC) of motors.
The dsPIC33E MC family is ideal for controlling Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs), Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) motors, AC Induction Motors (ACIMs) and Brushless DC (BLDC) motors. Combining the performance of a DSP engine and the simplicity of a microcontroller, dsPIC33EP MC DSCs feature three pairs of motor control Pulse-Width Modulators (PWMs), a high-speed Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), op amps and comparators for an optimized design. The high-level of analog integration shrinks form factor and reduces your Bill of Materials (BoM) cost. Offering up to 150°C operation, dsPIC33E MC DSCs facilitate a robust motor control design that withstands harsh environments.
These robust DSCs also feature dedicated peripherals and hardware features to help increase reliability in safety-critical applications, ensuring that your end applications operate as intended, with safe shut down if any exception or issue arises. These AEC Q100 Grade 0 qualified DSCs are also excellent options for automotive applications.
For more information on each of the dsPIC33E MC products, click the “Sub Family” name in the table below.
This is a cost-effective board for developing sensored or sensorless Brushless DC (BLDC) and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) control applications
This evaluation kit includes an EPC2152 monolithic ePower™ Stage for implementing GANFET-based motor drive in BLDC/PMSM applications.
This development board is designed to demonstrate the features of the dsPIC33EDV64MC205 System in Package (SiP). It can drive low-voltage, three-phase BLDC/PMSM motors and comes programmed to run dual-shunt FOC with PLL estimator using the Hurst BLDC motor as the out-of-the-box demo
This video introduces you to the common development ecosystem that allows for easy migration across device families and enables you to use low-power PIC24F MCUs and robust dsPIC33 DSCs in a complete platform design.
This video will demonstrate how motorBench Development Suite and dsPIC33 DSCs simplify spinning a BLDC or PMSM motor.
Learn more about motorBench Development Suite
This video will demonstrate how the dsPIC DSCs can help you get your design done on schedule to avoid deadline pressure.
This video will demonstrate the basic setup of CAN peripherals available on PIC24 MCUs and dsPIC33 DSCs using MPLAB® Code Configurator.
This video will introduce you to the Peripheral Trigger Generator(PTG) available on 16-bit dsPIC33 digital signal controllers. The video will give a glimpse into the capabilities of PTG peripheral, which can help you in addressing the challenges of sequencing asynchronous tasks and event triggers.