Integrated analog peripherals make it easy to develop applications that interface, read, react to or generate analog signals. They can interconnect with each other or with other peripherals on the device to minimize the code needed to manage interactions while improving responsiveness.
Many of our microcontrollers (MCUs) have integrated 8- and 10-bit basic ADCs.
Our 10- and 12-bit ADCs contain features that integrate computation, filtering, thresholding and other signal conditioning capabilities in hardware to improve performance and eliminate the need for software routines that perform similar tasks.
The APM can automatically power up and down analog peripherals on the microcontroller (MCU) in power-sensitive applications that do not require continuous analog operation.
PIC® and AVR® MCUs contain on-chip comparators to provide flexibility, intelligent control and lower power consumption for your design.
Our on-chip DACs reduce external component count, noise and application size while providing an accurate voltage source for on-chip peripherals that can be scaled dynamically by the Central Processing Unit (CPU) as system parameters change.
Many devices feature integrated operational amplifiers that interconnect with on- and off-chip resources.
These integrated peripherals provide a variety of output modes to interconnect with on- and off-chip resources to help eliminate unwanted harmonic frequencies.
An integrated and stable fixed-voltage reference, which is independent of supply voltage drift, can be used with ADCs, comparators and other integrated analog peripherals.
ZCD detects when an Alternative Current (AC) signal crosses through the ground potential. The ZCD module is useful when monitoring an AC waveform for purposes such as TRIAC dimming, AC period measurement and minimizing EMI caused by switching transients.
Low-cost temperature measurements can identify extreme temperature shifts with no processing required by the MCU’s core.
This video is an overview of the integrated OPAMP Peripheral on PIC® and AVR® Microcontrollers and common use cases.