The TX-709 series of TCXOs combines innovative manufacturing and the latest technology to provide low phase noise and excellent g-sensitivity. The fully hermetic assembly, available in a 5 × 7 mm ceramic package, includes a dual-crystal circuit to cancel opposing g-sensitivity vectors.
The TX-551 series of TCXOs utilizes innovative manufacturing and the latest technology to provide extremely low phase noise and g-sensitivity. The assembly includes a dual-crystal circuit to cancel opposing g-sensitivity vectors.
The TX-552 series of TCXOs combines innovative manufacturing and the latest technology to provide extremely low phase noise and g-sensitivity. The assembly includes a dual-crystal circuit to cancel opposing g-sensitivity vectors.
The TX-322 series of TCXOs combines our lowest-phase-noise TCXO with good g-sensitivity in a 23 × 18 mm package.
The TX-802 is a quartz-stabilized, clipped sinewave or CMOS output, sixth-order analog TCXO that operates off a 2.8 to 3.3V supply. It is available in a 5 × 3.2 mm ceramic package. It offers an excellent temperature stability of up to +105°C, combined with low phase noise, making it well suited for portable radios and IEEE® 1588 applications.
The TX-507 TCXO offers high frequency combined with an extended temperature range and is available with CMOS and sinewave outputs. This low-phase-noise, analog TCXO uses a direct crystal frequency to avoid subharmonics.
The MX-701 TCXO is an ultra-high-stability Microprocessor-Corrected Crystal Oscillator (MCXO) that uses our ultra-smooth compensation algorithms to achieve stabilities of ±30 ppb over the extended temperature range of −40°C to +105°C. The MX-701 fills the gap between our standard TCXO and OCXO product offerings by reducing power consumption without sacrificing performance.
The MX-503 TCXO is an ultra-high-stability MCXO that uses our ultra-smooth compensation algorithms to achieve stabilities of ±30 ppb over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. The MX-503 fills the gap between our standard TCXO and OCXO product offerings by reducing power consumption without sacrificing performance.
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With the acquisition of Vectron, we offer a more comprehensive portfolio of oscillator technologies, services and solutions so you can build more reliable systems supporting today’s precise timing standards. These solutions include OCXOs, TCXOs, VCXOs, VCSOs, GNSS-DOs, high-reliability crystals and high-reliability space and defense products.