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The MD1213DB1 can drive a transducer as a single channel transmitter for ultrasound and other applications. The demoboard consists of one MD1213 in a 12-Lead 4x4x0.9mm QFN (K6) package, combined with TC6320, an IC containing high voltage P- and N- channel FETs in a 8-Lead SOIC package. Logic control inputs INA, INB and OE of the MD1213 are controlled via the six-pin head connector on the board. Due to the fast signal rise and fall time requirement, every ground wire of the ribbon cable must be used to connect from the logic signal source. When OE is enabled, it should recieve the same voltage as the logic source circuit’s power supply. The MD1213DB1 output waveforms can be displayed directly using an oscilloscope by connecting the scope probe to the test point TP10-1 and TP10-2 (GND). The J5 jumper can select whether or not to connect the on-board equivalent load, a 220pF 200V capacitor paralleled with a 1.0kΩ, 1W resistor. Also, a coaxial cable can be used to easily connect to the user’s transducer.
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