The Curiosity Platform Development Board (EV74H48A) is a full-featured development and demonstration platform enabling customers to explore the capabilities of the dsPIC33A Digital Signal Controller (DSC) family and also the PIC32A MCU family. The board operation requires the insertion of a 120-pin General Purpose Dual In-Line Module (DIM) containing a dsPIC33A DSC device or the PIC32A MCU device (purchased separately). Refer Related Tools section for the list of supported General Purpose DIMs.
The board supports custom feature expansion by providing mikroBUS™ and XPLAINED PRO interfaces, allowing companion development boards such as QT Touch extension boards, BIST XPRO extension kits, various sensors and interfaces via Click Boards™ to be added. A QSPI connection to a 2Mbit SQI Flash EEPROM supports external non-volatile data storage.
Multiple communication interfaces are provided. A USB Micro-C connector and circuit supports PC communications via UART on the dsPIC33A DSC or a PIC32A MCU. A CAN board connector and transceiver supports CAN connectivity for dsPIC33A DSCs and PIC32A MCUs with CAN-FD Modules. A 50 mil RMII board connector supports Ethernet connectivity for dsPIC33A DSCs and PIC32A MCUs with an Ethernet Module.
The board user interface includes one RGB LED, a 10K Ohm potentiometer, three push buttons, eight LED’s and three capacitive touch pads. Each of these elements can be programmed for any purpose to create the desired interaction between the user and the board behavior.
The board includes a PICkit™ On-Board (PKOB4) programmer/debugger circuit, which can be used to program and debug any dsPIC33A or PIC32A target device attached through the DIM connector. In addition, a 9-pin 100 mil header supports hardware instruction trace for dsPIC33A DSCs and PIC32A MCUs with a Trace Module. Dual female headers provide access to all DIM connections. A header is provided for measuring the DIM current.