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Part Number: DM330022


Motor control interfaces:

  • Two full-bridge inverters
  • Two phase current sense resistors
  • DC bus voltage sense resistor
  • Over-current protection

Built-in power supplies:

  • 15V power supply, maximum power available 11 W
  • 3.3V power supply, maximum power available 2 W

Power supply connectors:

  • 24V power input connector (J6) for the controller and power stage
  • Auxiliary Power Tab Fast-On connectors (BP1 and BP2) for the power stage

Motor control device socket:

  • The dsPIC33FJ12MC202 Motor Control device in SOIC package (U3) footprint

User Interfaces:

  • One push button (S1)
  • Reset push button (RESET)
  • 10K Ohm Potentiometer (POT)
  • LED indicators for PWM outputs arranged in a full-bridge format
  • LED indicator for over current

Communication Ports:

  • UART communication via USB (J4)

Programming Connectors:

  • ICSP™ connector for programming a dsPIC DSC device (J2)
  • RJ11 connector for programming a dsPIC DSC device (J1)
  • ICSP connector for programming the PIC18LF2450 USB-to-UART Bridge (J3)


The Microchip dsPICDEM™ MCSM Development Board is targeted to control both unipolar and bipolar stepper motors in open-loop or closed-loop (current control) mode. The hardware is designed in such a way that no hardware changes are necessary for 8-, 6- or 4-wire stepper motors in either bipolar or unipolar configurations. Software to run motors in open-loop or closed-loop with full or variable micro-stepping is provided. A GUI for controlling step commands, motor parameter input, and operation modes is included. This flexible and cost-effective board can be configured in different ways for use with Microchip’s specialized dsPIC33F Motor Control Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs). The dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board offers a mounting option to connect either a 28-pin SOIC device or a generic 100-pin Plug-In Module (PIM). A dsPIC33FJ32MC204 DSC PIM (MA330017) is included.  An updated version of this board, DM330022-1, is available which includes a dsPIC33CK64MP105 PIM.

The dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board supports terminal voltages up to 80V and currents up to 3A. The dsPIC33F device uses the MOSFET driver to drive the two full-bridge inverters that power the motor windings. The board includes various circuitries to perform the following functions: 

  • Drive two motor windings with the two on-board full-bridge inverters 
  • Measure feedback and other analog signals (i.e., current, DC voltage, Potentiometer and Fault signals)
  • Communicate with a host computer or an external device via USB

The dsPIC DSC devices feature an 8-channel, high-speed PWM with Complementary mode output, a programmable ADC trigger on the PWM reload cycle, digital dead time control, internal shoot-through protection and hardware fault shutdown. These features make the dsPIC DSC an ideal solution for high-performance stepper motor control applications where control of the full-bridge inverter is required.

Package Contents

dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board: DM330022

  • dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board
  • dsPIC33FJ32MC204 Plug-In-Module (PIM)
  • USB-to-mini-USB cable
  • dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board CD ROM, including:
  • MCSM User’s Guide
  • Data sheets for dsPIC DSC families
  • Application Note with software and MPLAB DMCI/RTDM GUI for Stepper Motor Control


Document Id
dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board Users Guide Download df193b06-2a4d-4b41-b3c9-d79839541b4c
AC300024 - Stepper Motor Datasheet Download a99e56ab-d82c-4055-bf63-061cab61742f


dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board Demonstration Software Download 27 Oct 2009

Additional Resources

Plug-In Modules (PIM's) supported


Part Number  Description
MA330027  dsPIC33EP512MU810, Dual Motor Control Plug-In Module
MA330025-3  144-pin TQFP to 100-pin dsPIC33EP512MU814 PIM Motor Control device
MA330028  44-pin QFN to 100-pin dsPIC33EP64MC504 PIM Motor Control device
MA240028  44-pin QFN to 100-pin PIC24EP64MC204 PIM Motor Control device
MA330014  28-pin QFN to 100-pin dsPIC33FJ12MC202 PIM Motor control device
MA330017  44-pin QFN to 100-pin dsPIC33FJ32MC204 PIM Motor Control device
MA330013  100-pin TQFP to 100-pin dsPIC33FJ256MC710 PIM Motor control device
AC300024  Lead Shine Stepper Motor
AC002013  24V Power Supply