Full feature evaluation of the MCP37D11-80 A/D converter through Graphical User Interface (GUI) including: • Dynamic performance monitoring: SNR, SFDR, THD, and other FFT analyses • Static performance monitoring: INL, DNL, Offset Error, etc. • PLL or DLL operating mode • Read and Write of Register bits • Various digital signal post processing options: Digital Decimation, Digital Down-Conversion (I/Q Data), etc. • Power consumption analysis • Sample rates up to 80 Msps • Up to 8-channel inputs
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The MCP37D11-80 12-bit 80 Msps ADC Evaluation Board (EV06P75A) provides the opportunity to evaluate the performance of the MCP37D11-80 device. With the MCP37D11-80 12-bit 80 Msps pipelined A/D converter on-board, the user can access internal Register bits, and evaluate the performance and functionality of the device, including built-in various digital signal processing features.
This evaluation board works with the MCP37XXX High-Speed Pipeline ADC data capture card (ADM00506) and PC GUI ( Pipeline ADC Utility GUI ).
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