16-bit PIC MCUs
The 16-bit PIC24 Family is comprised of two sub-families. The
PIC24F offers a cost-effective low power step up in performance,
memory and peripherals for many applications that are pushing the
envelope of 8-bit microcontroller capabilities. For more demanding
applications, the PIC24H offers 40 MIPS performance, more
memory and additional peripherals, such as CAN communication
modules. For more information visit: www.microchip.com/16bit
32-Bit MCU Digest
32-bit PIC® and SAM MCUs
The PIC32 family adds more performance and more memory
while maintaining pin, peripheral and software compatibility with
Microchip's 16-bit MCU/DSC families. The PIC32 family operates at
up to 80 MHz and offers ample code and data space capabilities
with up to 512 KB Flash and 128 KB RAM. For more information
visit: www.microchip.com/32bit
32-bit SAM and PIC® MCUs with MPLAB® Harmony and MCC
53100A Phase Noise Analyzer - Welcome to the Lab - Limited Series
8-bit Devices
8-bit MCUs
Based on a powerful RISC core, the PIC microcontroller architecture
provides users with an easy migration path from 6 to 100 pins
among all families, with little or no code change required. Advanced
features include sophisticated timing peripherals, integrated analog to-
digital converters and communications peripherals (Ethernet/
I2C™/SPI/USB/CAN ports and LIN USARTs). For more information
visit: www.microchip.com/8bit
A Closer Look At
Adaptec Support
ADC Aspects
Additional Technical Videos in Libero® SoC
Analog Development Tool Ecosystem Featuring Leroy and Lenny
Analog Filter Video Series
Ask Our Experts | About Clocks and Timing
Ask Our Experts | About Core Independent Peripherals
Ask Our Experts | About Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs)
Ask Our Experts | About Memory
Ask Our Experts | About Motor Control
Ask Our Experts | About Platform Firmware Security
Ask Our Experts | About Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Ask Our Experts | About Secure Elements
Ask Our Experts | About Silicon Carbide
Automotive Ethernet Products
Microchip is driving automotive connectivity with in-vehicle networks that use Ethernet, zonal control, gateways, high-performance central compute and telematics systems to develop an infrastructure for software-defined vehicles.
AVR® DB OPAMP, XOSCHF and MVIO Hands-on Training
AVR®-IoT Home Automation Kit
Beyond the Microchip
Welcome to Beyond the Microchip
So much of our daily lives are controlled or influenced by electronics. We rely on GPS to direct us, we hit "brew" on our coffee machines for our mornin' cup of Joe, we wave our hands over a sensor to get running water from a faucet and press a button to open our garage doors.
But do we really know what's going on inside? Are we aware of the universe of technology and calculations going on right under our nose?
Beyond the Microchip takes you inside the world of Embedded Control technologies to understand how the chips and sensors we can't see impact our lives in dramatic ways. They remind us why we have and embrace technology, to enhance the human experience.
Join us each episode as we look at an aspect of our daily lives that shapes what it means to be human and how we can empower the innovation that enhances that experience through Microchip Technology.
Subscribe to Beyond the Microchip wherever you get your podcasts.
Visit MCHP.com to learn more!
Beyond the Microchip is available as an audio podcast on these platforms:
Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/beyond-the-microchip/id1728516679
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2hzAvBT7mkwaU9Ean4IHxN?si=41203272f6ef480e
Podbean - https://www.podbean.com/pu/pbblog-picfu-106ee69
Bluetooth Audio Series
Videos about Microchip's Bluetooth Audio Devices
Bluetooth Data Series
Series of videos for both Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy devices
Careers and Culture
Microchip Tutorials
CLB Challenge
Click Into MCC
Clocks & Timing Tutorials
Coffee Break
Coffee Break | Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Configurable Logic Block Challenge - Part 1 & 2
The challenge is mysterious and important.
Configure Hardware in Libero® SoC
Constraints Manager in Libero® SoC
Core Independent Application Examples (CIP)
Create Design in Libero® SoC
Libero® SoC Design Suite offers high productivity with its comprehensive, easy-to-learn, easy-to-adopt development tools for designing with our FPGA device families. Libero SoC Design Suite provides you with an integrated hardware tool suite incorporating RTL entry through programming, a rich IP library, complete reference designs and development kits.
Create Testbench in Libero® SoC
Data Center Solutions
Debug Design in Libero SoC
Design Partner Program
Microchip takes great
pride in developing
long term relationships
with design partners
worldwide. Recognizing
that time to market
is a critical factor
for our customers
and partners, Microchip is dedicated to the success of
our design partners by offering support, training and
development tools that are easy to use.
Designs for the Edge
As we look to the future, we are focusing on six pivotal market areas:
5G network infrastructure
IoT/edge computing
Data centers
ADAS/autonomous driving
As these markets continue to shape the technology landscape, developing complete system solutions in these areas is key. In this livestream series, we will delve into key applications within these markets, discuss design considerations, explore our core offerings and highlight their indispensable value in these transformative applications. Guided discussions led by subject matter experts explore the intersections of markets, technologies and real-world applications, illuminating the path forward for the tech ecosystem.
Don’t miss this new series, airing weekly from May 8 through June 12, 2024.
Dev Tool Bits
Have a question, need a quick tutorial, or wonder if you’re getting the most out of your tools? Get tips and tricks from Microchip’s experts in our new Dev Tool Bits video series. Feel free to leave us a comment on what you’d like to see covered in future videos and make sure to Like and Subscribe to our channel!
Development Tools
Microchip Development Tools are software and hardware components to help you design applications using Microchip devices.
Did You Simulate That? Improve Your Circuit Design Experience with the MPLAB® Mindi™ Analog Simulator.
Digital Power
Microchip's dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) for Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) and digital power conversion are designed for applications in AC to DC converters, DC to DC converters, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Renewable Power/Pure Sine Wave Inverters, Battery Chargers, HID lighting, Fluorescent lighting, and LED lighting.
Discover 8-bit
Discrete & Power Management
dsPIC33 Digital Signal Controllers
Embeded Design
Ensemble Graphics Toolkit (EGT)
Explainer Videos
eXtreme Low Power
Lowest power sleep modes with flexible wake-up sources
* Sleep currents as low as 20 nA
* Wake-up sources in every sleep mode
* Special low power BOR, WDT, RTC
Feature Overviews
Frequency & Timing
GestIC® Technology
Getting Started | MPLAB® X IDE Essentials
Getting Started | START Config Screens
Getting Started with AVR® in MPLAB® X IDE
Getting Started with CIP Hybrid Power PWM Controllers and MPLAB® X SMPS Design Tools
Getting Started with CNano (MPLAB® Tools)
Getting Started with CNano (START/Studio)
Getting Started with Foundation Drivers
Getting Started with Inductive Position Sensors
Getting Started with MCC Melody Example Components
Getting Started with Microchip Studio
Getting Started with PIC® Microcontrollers
Getting Started with the 12-bit Differential ADC and PGA on the tinyAVR® 2 Family
Getting Started with the MPLAB® Cloud Tools Ecosystem
Getting Started with the MPLAB® Code Configurator Content Manager
Microchip Technology offers easy and cost-effective graphics solutions.
Home Appliance
Microchip Technology can help you implement the new features and functionality required for your next appliance design. By providing solutions for user interface, motor control, sensing, connectivity and more, your design teams can focus on implementing the application
Human Machine Interface Division (HMID)
Integrated OPAMP(s) on PIC® and AVR® MCUs
Internet of Things (IoT)
Intro to Bare Metal Programming with the AVR® Tiny2
Learn how to develop bare metal programs on the AVR® Tiny2 (ATtiny1627 family) of parts.
Intro to Bare Metal Programming with the AVR® Tiny2 and AVR DD
Learn how to develop bare metal programs on the AVR® Tiny2 (ATtiny1627 family) and AVR DD (AVR64DD32) family of parts.
IoT Design Week 2020
IoT Series
IoT Series of Videos
K2L - Connecting Networks
Libero® SoC
Libero® SoC Design Suite
LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controllers
Maker Faire 2024
See all the content we've made so far for Maker Faire 2024!
Maker Faire Bay Area 2014
Maker Faire Bay Area 2015
From life-sized humanoids and stair-climbing robots to pancake printers and drum-playing pants, Maker Faire Bay Area 2015 had it all. Over the weekend, tinkerers, modders and hackers of all ages and skills flocked a jam-packed Atmel booth, which showcased a number of uber-cool demos under this year’s theme “From Makerspace to Makerplace.” Among those on display included 14-year-old Quin Etnyre, DrumPants, Zymbit, littleBits, Zippy Robotics, Primo and of course the heart of the Maker community, Arduino. When it came to gizmos and gadgets driven by versatile 8- and 32-bit AVR and Atmel | SMART MCUs, it didn’t stop within our exhibit. In fact, countless other DIYers throughout the fairegrounds proudly showed off their embedded projects as well.
Maker Faire Bay Area 2016
Maker Faire Rome 2015
MCP3x6x Key Features
Microchip's broad portfolio of memory devices include Serial
EEPROM, Serial SRAM, Serial Flash and Parallel Flash Devices.
Our innovative, low-power designs and extensive testing have
ensured industry leading robustness and endurance along with
best-in-class quality at low costs. For more information visit:
Microchip IoT Developer Guides for AWS
Microchip Minutes
Microchip Minutes - Application Demo Edition
Microchip Minutes - MPLAB® Harmony Edition
Microchip Minutes - MPLAB® Xpress Edition
Microchip Minutes - SAM MCU Edition
Microchip's Fan Controllers
Mixed Signal & Linear
Microchip's integrated analog technology, peripherals and
features are engineered to meet today's demanding design
requirements. Our broad spectrum of analog products addresses thermal management, power management, battery management,
mixed-signal, linear, interface and safety & security solutions. Our
broad portfolio of stand-alone analog and interface devices offers
highly integrated solutions that combine various analog functions
in space-saving packages and support a variety of bus interfaces.
Many of these devices support functionality that enhances the
analog features currently available on PIC® microcontrollers. For
more information visit: www.microchip.com/analog
Motor Control
Our 8-bit Microcontrollers and 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers contain innovative on-chip peripherals designed specifically for motor control. With motor control devices from 8 to 100 pins, we have the perfect part for every application.
Got a tight schedule? We provide free motor control software with application notes and schematics for most motor control algorithms to shorten your development cycle. Our development tools are specifically designed for motor control to promote rapid prototyping of custom applications.
We offer technical training classes, web seminars
to quickly familiarize engineers with our devices and the latest motor control algorithms.
MPLAB® Code Configurator
MPLAB Extensions for VS Code
MPLAB® Harmony
MPLAB Harmony V3
MPLAB® Integrated Programming Environment (IPE)
MPLAB® X IDE Advanced Debugging
MPLAB® XC Compiler
Adding a modern, intuitive user interface to your design improves its ease-of-use, functionality and aesthetics.
Netlist Viewer in Libero® SoC
Other Devices
PCIe QuickLearn
Photodiodes: Microchip's Solution for Light Sensing Applications
PICkit™ 4
Place and Route in Libero® SoC
PolarFire® FPGA
PolarFire® SoC
PolarFire® SoC | Adding Packages to Buildroot
This playlist covers how to run a Buildroot build from the PolarFire® SoC GitHub organization, how to program an Icicle Kit with the built Linux image and how to update the Buildroot configuration to add additional packages and re-program the kit.
PolarFire® SoC | Adding Packages to Yocto
In this playlist we will run a standard Yocto build and program it to the board. We will then update the build to include the Joe text editor and re-build, program and test.
PolarFire® SoC | Bare Metal Application(s) - Accessing the Fabric
In this playlist you will learn how to build a bare metal application that will access the FPGA fabric on PolarFire® SoC and store it as a payload in the eMMC to be booted by the HSS.
PolarFire® SoC | Bare Metal Application(s) from the DDR
In this playlist you will learn how to build a bare metal application and store it as a payload in the eMMC. The application will use DDR as its execution memory.
PolarFire® SoC | Bare Metal Application(s) from the LIM
In this playlist you will learn how to build a bare metal application that will target the LIM as its execution memory.
PolarFire® SoC | Bare Metal Example Customization
In this playlist you will learn how to customize a bare metal application targeting the PolarFire® SoC Icicle Kit. This example uses the RTC time bare metal example, updates the MSS clock frequency, shows the updated clock frequency being identified and used by the bare metal example.
PolarFire® SoC | Bare Metal Interrupts
In this playlist you will learn about the available interrupts on PolarFire® SoC and how to use them in a bare metal application.
PolarFire® SoC | Building a Linux Yocto Image and Controlling the MSS GPIOs
In this playlist you will learn how to generate a custom Yocto Build including development tools for PolarFire® SoC Icicle Kit, and use it to control GPIOs and LEDs.
PolarFire® SoC | Customising the Hart Software Services (HSS)
PolarFire® SoC | Debugging a Bare Metal Application
In this playlist you will learn how to run a bare metal application in debug mode on the PolarFire® SoC Icicle Kit using an example UART project.
PolarFire® SoC | Debugging PolarFire SoC
This playlist contains standalone videos demonstrating some of the different debug tools available for use with PolarFire® SoC.
PolarFire® SoC | Generating a Design for the PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit and Adding Custom IP
In this playlist you will learn how to generate a Libero® SoC reference design for the PolarFire® SoC Icicle Kit and add custom IP into the design. The example IP in this example uses an APB interface and is based on the SDIO register included in the Icicle Kit Reference Design.
PolarFire® SoC | GPIOs/UIO Drivers and Yocto SDK
In this playlist we will cover some more advanced topics about Yocto and we will see how to properly control MSS GPIOs and Fabric LSRAM with Linux drivers. We will also show how to effectively move data to the board using both Serial Port and Ethernet cable along with some methods to compile and cross compile applications.
PolarFire® SoC | Linux: Connecting a PCIe End Point
In this playlist you will learn how connect a PCIe end point to Linux. The end point used in this playlist is an NVMe drive which will be connected, enumerated, formatted, mounted and have a test file saved to it.
PostSynthesis Simulation in Libero® SoC
Power & Interface
Microchip's integrated analog technology, peripherals and
features are engineered to meet today's demanding design
requirements. Our broad spectrum of analog products addresses thermal management, power management, battery management,
mixed-signal, linear, interface and safety & security solutions. Our
broad portfolio of stand-alone analog and interface devices offers
highly integrated solutions that combine various analog functions
in space-saving packages and support a variety of bus interfaces.
Many of these devices support functionality that enhances the
analog features currently available on PIC® microcontrollers. For
more information visit: www.microchip.com/analog
Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Product Family Overview
Program Design in Libero® SoC
SAM E70 V70 V71
Synthesis in Libero® SoC
Technical Support Videos
A collection of videos related to Microchip's USB Solutions. Learn more at http://www.microchip.com/usb
VectorBlox™ in Libero® SoC
Visual Debugging with the MPLAB® Data Visualizer
Welcome To The Lab - Series
Product demonstrations, overviews and reference designs in a maker-style lab studio.
What Is...? Memory Technology Video Series
Wi-Fi Series
For Wi-Fi devices such as WINC1500, WINC3400, PIC32MZW1, WFI32, and others
Wireless SAM Series
For Wireless Sam devices such as SAMR21, SAMR30, SAMR34, WLR089, and others.
Wireless Solutions
Microchip provides cost effective, easy to implement wireless solutions including transmitter, receiver and transceiver solutions for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee®, ISM Band Sub-GHz, and IEEE 802.11 applications.
World Maker Faire 2014
World Maker Faire 2015