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Trademark Guidelines

The Microchip brand identity is a valuable asset protected by trademark law. We aim to protect this asset by ensuring that our trademarks, service marks and logos are used properly by our employees, customers, licensees, distributors, vendors, consultants, developers and other third parties.

Please use the link below to download our Trademark Standards, which contains a list of our trademarks. You may use Microchip trademarks and product names to refer to Microchip products and services as long as you follow the guidelines provided in our Trademark Standards document and outlined below.

Note: The absence of a trademark, logo or service mark from our Trademark Standards document does not constitute a waiver of Microchip’s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that mark or logo.

These guidelines may be modifed by Microchip at any time and at our sole discretion. If you have any questions, please contact our Legal Department by sending an e-mail to legal.department@microchip.com.

Basic Trademark Guidelines

Properly identify our trademarks, including the trademark symbol (with ®, ™ or SM) and the trademark’s descriptor, to accurately refer to our products and services. For example:

  • dsPIC® digital signal controller
  • KEELOQ® technology
  • MPLAB® integrated development environment
  • PIC® microcontroller
  • REAL ICE™ in-circuit emulator

Always use trademarks as adjectives followed by appropriate descriptors (nouns). Our Trademark Standards provides a list of suggested appropriate nouns for use with each trademark.

  • Correct: Use a PIC® microcontroller in your next design.
  • Incorrect: Use a PIC in your next design.

Trademarks should never be used in the possessive form.

  • Correct: Compare the features of PIC® microcontrollers to other microcontrollers.
  • Incorrect: Compare the PIC’s features to other microcontrollers.

Trademarks should never be used in the plural form.

  • Correct: Compare all PIC® microcontrollers to other microcontrollers.
  • Incorrect: Compare all PICs to other microcontrollers.

Other Important Guidelines

Our trademarks must not be used in the title of your website or any part of your domain name.

  • Incorrect: www.pic.com, www.mypic.com, www.pic1.com

Our trademarks or logos (or similar marks) must not be used in your own product names, service names, trademarks, logos or company names. Instead, you may refer to Microchip products and services to indicate your product’s compatibility with a specific Microchip product or service.

  • Correct: [Your Product Name] for use with PIC® microcontrollers, [Your Product Name] runs on PIC® microcontrollers, [Your Company] is experienced in designing hardware that works with PIC® microcontrollers.
  • Incorrect: "MyPIC", "YesPIC", "PICky"

Logos, Symbols and Icons

Our logos, symbols and icons are visual representations of our brand. They must not be altered in any way including:

  • Separating their elements into individual components
  • Changing their color
  • Resizing them without maintaining the correct proportions 
  • Modifying the font face, size or weight
  • Combining them with any other graphical elements

You may not use these items on your marketing, promotional or packaging materials, products or website unless you have an express written trademark license from Microchip. You may also not use these logos, symbols or icons to link to the Microchip website unless you have permission to do so.

Please go to our Logos page for more details on the correct use of the Microchip logo.

Authorized Use of Microchip Trademarks

Using Microchip Trademarks to Refer to Microchip Products or Services

You may use our trademarks to refer to our products or services in accordance with these guidelines. When doing so, include an attribution of Microchip’s ownership of its trademarks within the credit notice section of your documentation or other communication. For example:

  • [Trademark] is a trademark or registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc.
  • [Trademark] and [Trademark] are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Inc.

Using Microchip Trademarks in Publications, Seminars and Conferences

You may use our trademarks to refer to our products or services on the cover of magazines, in articles or periodicals, and in the title of seminars and conferences provided that you comply with these guidelines and the following terms:

  • The publication, seminar, or conference should relate to the specific Microchip product, service or technology referenced.
  • Your name and logo should appear more prominently than the Microchip mark on all printed materials related to the magazine, article, periodical, seminar or conference.
  • A disclaimer of sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement by Microchip should be included on the publication and all related printed materials. For example:
    "[Title] is an independent [publication] and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microchip."
  • You should include a trademark attribution on the publication and related printed materials where Microchip trademarks appear. For example:
    "[Trademark] and [Trademark] are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Inc."
  • Do not use a Microchip trademark as the leading word in (or most prominent part of) your magazine, periodical, article, seminar or conference title. You may use Microchip trademarks in a referential manner such as "XYZ Conference featuring PIC® microcontrollers." However, using "PIC Conference" would require a license from Microchip.
  • Do not use any Microchip logos on or in a publication or on any materials related to a publication, seminar or conference without a license from Microchip. 
  • Do not use a Microchip trademark in any manner that suggests Microchip’s affiliation, sponsorship or certification of the magazine, article, periodical, seminar or conference.

Linking Your Website to Our Website:

You may place a text link to a Microchip web page on your website as long as:

  • The text link is not used in any way to mislead or confuse consumers; and
  • You inform the consumer that they are being directed to another website

You may refer to Microchip or its products or services as long as you follow these guidelines.

As mentioned above, you may not use any Microchip logo to link to Microchip’s website without permission.

Requesting a License to Use Microchip Trademarks

If you would like to request a license, please send an email to the appropriate contact below:

If you are a licensee of Microchip's trademark(s), your license agreement will specifically identify the marks that you are authorized to use and may provide special trademark usage guidelines. If so, please comply with those guidelines. If you have not been provided special trademark usage guidelines, then please comply with the guidelines described here.