No longer available. Use SAMA5D4 Xplained Ultra or contact Local Sales Representative.
The SAMA5D4-EK is a full-featured evaluation platform for the SAMA5D4 embedded microprocessor. The kit is based on the SAMA5D44 and covers all product derivatives. The kit consists of a main board and a display module featuring a 7-inch (17.8 cm) capacitive touch screen. It is supported by the SAMA5D4 software package, a free set of bare-metal C programming examples, and is delivered with on-board demonstrations for Linux and a Qt-based GUI. The SAMA5D4-EK allows users to extensively evaluate, prototype, and create applications that require graphics, video, audio, mass storage, networking, connectivity and more.
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U-Boot Design for SAMA5D3/D4-based Boards | 10 Feb 2020 | Link | Application Notes |