Web MAPS Overview

Web MAPS  (Microchip Advanced Parts Selector) is an application that allows you to match Microchip devices to competitor devices by characteristic. Once you have found matching devices you can have have a spreadsheet sent to you with device characteristics laid out for side-by-side comparison.

This page contains step-by-step instructions for using web MAPS. If you have further questions or comments regarding MAPS, please contact us at mapshelp@microchip.com

We are adding new competitor devices on a continual basis. If you don't see a specific device here, it will probably show up eventually. In any case you can contact Tech Support for assistance comparing any Microchip product to a competitor device.

Browser Requirements

Web MAPS is optimized for Internet Explorer 6.0 and above. Firefox 1.5 and above, Netscape 8.1 and above, and Opera 8.54 and above will probably work fine. Your mileage may vary.

Cookies are not required by MAPS. Pop-up blockers should be disabled, or configured to allow popups from Web MAPS (or you won't be able to access the cool side-by-side feature, not to mention various help forms).

Selecting devices and specifying search criteria

  1. Select the Device Type from the Device Type dropdown list, for example OpAmps.
  2. Select the Manufacturer whose devices are availiable for comparison in MAPS from the Manufacturer dropdown, for example Texas Instruments.
  3. Select an available device from the Part Number dropdown, for example 24AA01. All matching Microchip devices will be displayed in the listbox on the right side of the page.  The currently selected Microchip device will be highlighted, and its intimate details will be displayed in the grid which takes up most of the page.
  4. You can sort the listbox of matching Microchip parts using any of the parameter criteria displayed on the page.
  5. All of the device parameters (with the exception of Comments) are selectable. You can change the selection criteria using the dropdown lists seen in the middle of the device details grid.  When you change the criteria in any way the new criteria will be submittted to our servers for a new search, at which point all devices matching the new criteria will be displayed.
  6. Once parts matching your criteria have been identified, they will be available for display in the MCHP Parts Listbox. Select a part there to view the device parameters, which will then appear on the right side of the page.

    Note that any black highlighted values in the parameter list are intended to highlight potential performance differences that could impact the design.
  7. If you cannot find the part you are looking for, hit the Global Parts Search button for a wildcard match to all parts in our Database. See below for more information.

Side-By-Side Comparisons

Web MAPS allows you to add devices to a "side-by-side" collection which assists you with comparing devices in a simple tabular layout.   You can add as many devices as you like to the side-by-side collection, from any device type.  Like device types will be grouped together-- You cannot do a side-by-side comparison between, say, an Op Amp and a MOSFET.

You can add devices to the Side-by-side collection from two locations. The first location is under the Part Number dropdown. If you click the Add to side-by-side button the currently selected competitor part will be added to the collection. You can also add Microchip devices from the listbox of matching Microchip parts on the right side of the screen by clicking the Add to side-by-side button found there.

You can view the side-by-side collection at any time by clicking the Go to side-by-side link.

In the side-by-side page you can delete any devices from the collection. You can also email the collection as a portrait and/or landscape .CSV file. The email will arrive with the one .CSV file attached for each device type. The body of the email will also contain helpful links to the appropriate web site pages for all microchip devices in the side-by-side collection.

Please note that Microchip respects your privacy. The email address you provide will not be retained or used for any purpose other than to send you the side-by-side comparison. For further information please see our privacy policy.

Global Parts Search

If you have a partial part number, you can search our database using Global Parts Search. Simply type in what you know (for example, "24AA") and hit the Find Parts button. Our database will be searched for all parts which match your search criteria.

Scan the table of matching parts for devices of interest. If you see the device you are looking for, click on the link provided and the normal search results page will be displayed with your part selected.