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SDE via myMicrochip Portal User Guide

The Secure Document Extranet (SDE) that is available via the myMicrochip portal allows you to access secure documents that are shared with you under an active Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). To access the SDE, you need to register for or log into your myMicrochip account and activate the Secure Documents Access option to see the related documents for your selected products.

Getting Started

If you are a new user, use the Sign-up|Create Account options available on the Microchip website to set up your new myMicrochip account. Use the Sign In option if you already have a myMicrochip account.

Screen: Sign up, Create Account, Sign in Options
Screen: Sign in Options
Screen: Sign Up options and the associated transitions
Screen: Social Sign Up | Google (left) and LinkedIn (right)

Subscribing to Secure Document Access

Follow these steps to request access to SDE Feature available on the left navigation:

  • Log into your myMicrochip account.
  • You will be directed to your dashboard.
  • Look for the Request SDE option in the left navigation menu.
  • Click on Request SDE to open the Secure Document Access page.
  • Click on the checkbox next to Subscribe to access Secure Documents.
  • Click on the Submit button.
Screen: myMicrochip Dashboard with “Request SDE” on the left menu
Screen: Fill Up the "Required Fields” and tick the "Subscribe to access Secure Documents" checkbox and click "Submit"
Screen: Subscribe option checked for “Secure Document Access” section and “Submit” highlighted
Screen: “Success” notification pop-up confirms request has been submitted
Screen: SDE Options under the “Secure Documents” menu are accessible after successfully subscribing to SDE

The myMicrochip Dashboard

  • After you have successfully subscribed to SDE and have logged into your myMicrochip account, you should see a Secure Documents menu option in the left navigation menu of the myMicrochip dashboard
  • You have three options to view the secure documents that are now available to you:
    1. Click on My Resources and then My Documents to view a list of all your documents
    2. Click on the Secure Documents to expand the options and use the Document Search option to find a specific document.
    3. Click on the SDE Documents card (fourth blue card) on the dashboard, which will take you to the My Documents list.
Screen: myMicrochip Dashboard
Screen: My Resources | My Documents
Screen: Secure Documents | Document Search

Product Documents: Manage Alerts

If you would like to receive email notifications related to product documents, follow these steps, which correspond to the numbers in the image below:

  1. Go to the Secure Documents menu on the left side on your dashboard.
  2. Click on Manage Alerts.
  3. Select a product from the All Products section.
  4. Click the > icon to add the product to the Your Product Alerts list.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add more products to the Your Product Alerts list and then click on Save Preferences to save your changes.

The Success pop-up message will confirm that your changes have been saved and that you will receive email notifications related to the products you have selected.

Screen: Manage Alerts
Screen: Success pop-up confirming your alert preferences have been saved
Screen: Manage Alerts: List of products selected for notifications

Request Access to Information About Specific Products

Use the Request Access feature to request access to data sheets, reference designs, software and other technical information for a specific product on the SDE. Follow the steps below to submit your request. Note that you can only select one product at a time, so you will need to repeat these steps to request access to additional products.

  1. Go to the Secure Documents menu on the left side on your dashboard.
  2. Click on the Request Access link under Secure Documents
  3. Click on the All Products dropdown to select a product from the available list of products.
  4. Enter the NDA Reference Number which is an alphanumeric number e.g. E12345, if you have them handy. This is an optional field. 
  5. Use the optional comment field if you would like to include any details about your request.
  6. Click on the Submit button.
    • The Success pop-up message will confirm that your request has been submitted successfully.
    • You will also receive an email confirming that your request has been submitted and is being reviewed.
    • If your request is approved, you will receive a follow-up email confirming that you have been granted access to your selected product(s). 

A list of the products that you have been granted access to will appear in the list under the You have access to the following audiences section on the Manage Alerts page.

Screen: Requesting Access to Information About Specific Products
Screen: Confirmation Pop-up for Request to Access to Products
Screen: Acknowledgement Email Confirming Submission of Access Request
Screen: Follow-up Email Confirming Access to Products Has Been Granted (Highlighted in Red Box)
Screen: Subscribed products are also visible under My Resources >> My Products