End of Life (EOL) Policy

Microchip Understands

We are acutely aware of the challenges and resource implications that an End-of-Life (EOL) scenario presents to our clients. We recognize that the discontinuation of a critical supply component can necessitate the consumption of additional resources, both for our clients and for Microchip. This is why EOL occurrences are rare within our operations. We are committed to ensuring product longevity and extended product life cycles, which are integral to our strategic approach as outlined in our Product Longevity Policy.

In the infrequent circumstance that EOL becomes unavoidable, we are dedicated to considering the needs of our clients by adhering to our established EOL policy.

When We Notify Clients About EOL

In accordance with our PCN Policy, an EOL notification will be broadcast under the following conditions:

  • There has been business activity for most products within the preceding three years
  • For products within the automotive, military and space sectors, business activity may extend beyond three years in alignment with industry standards or specific contractual agreements

How We Notify Clients About EOL

  • An EOL notice will be published on our PCN web page and emailed to registered users as per our PCN Policy. We encourage clients to register for our PCN and EOL notification email service at our PCN website. An online FAQ is available to assist with the registration process
  • For clients who purchase custom automotive or PPAP products, custom PCNs will be routed directly to the email address on file. The notice will include a request for written approval of the Last Time Buy (LTB)
  • The EOL notice will specify the LTB and Last Time Ship (LTS) dates or the earliest possible EOL dates. Our objective is to comply with industry standards and client expectations regarding LTB and LTS timelines. We will provide the maximum LTB/LTS period possible, contingent on the availability from the critical component supplier or inventory levels. Should either be exhausted, we may only be able to provide the earliest EOL date, which could coincide with the date of the EOL notification

How We Help Clients Transition to Another Solution

  • We endeavor to offer drop-in replacement parts to minimize disruption to our clients.
  • In some cases, we can provide functionally equivalent replacement parts with minor variations.
  • In instances where a replacement is not available, we guide customers to their local sales office to explore other options within our extensive product portfolio or to consider alternative solutions.

What Our Clients Should Do After Receiving an EOL Notice

  • Clients should ascertain whether the EOL notice impacts their applications. If there is no effect, no further action is necessary
  • Clients are advised to review the EOL notice timeline to understand the LTB, LTS or EOL dates
  • Replacement parts, if available, will be listed in the EOL notice’s Parts Affected list, revealing the actual replacement part or guidance to contact the local sales office for assistance in finding suitable solutions
  • Clients with any inquiries regarding the EOL, timing or replacement parts are encouraged to contact their local sales office promptly to discuss the available options. Microchip is committed to supporting our clients throughout this process

Reaffirmation of Product Longevity

Although our EOL policy is comprehensive and considers our clients, we emphasize that EOL is a rare event due to our steadfast commitment to product longevity, which is deeply ingrained in our corporate strategy, policies and practices as described in our Product Longevity Policy