Our PIC32 MCUs offer high-resolution audio interfacing for USB applications, enabling higher-quality sound for today's audio designs in an affordable package. Offering scalable performance—from low-cost PIC32MX devices supporting up to 96 kHz audio, to high-performance devices capable of handling up to 192 kHz—these devices are capable of running additional functions including graphics and user interfaces. The following diagram provides a high-level overview of the USB audio functionality supported.
The following are some examples of applications supported in both USB Host Mode and USB Device Mode:
Several demo applications are included within MPLAB Harmony, including:
These demo applications are available for 96 kHz through 192 kHz audio (mac_audio_hi_res.) Note that an additional Windows driver is also required for 192 kHz and above. Download is available at the bottom of the page.
(1)PIC32 High-Resolution Audio Windows Demo Driver – Provided by Thesycon Software Solutions.