The PIC16F18076 family of MCUs contains a robust suite of digital and analog peripherals that enable cost-sensitive sensor and real-time control applications. This product family leverages unique features such as an automated Capacitive Voltage Divider (CVD), which facilitates advanced capacitive touch designs.
In addition, these MCUs come with variety of waveform control and communications peripherals such as three 10-bit Pulse-Width Modulators (PWMs) for easy on-chip motor control. These small form factor, feature-rich devices are well suited for many applications including Internet of Things (IoT) edge nodes, wearables, LED lighting, motor control, home automation systems and industrial process control.
The PIC18F18076 Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit is the ideal platform for rapid prototyping with the PIC16F18076 family of MCUs. This USB-powered kit features an on-board programmer/debugger that seamlessly integrates with MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Its small form factor makes the board excellent for breadboard soldering, or you can combine it with the Curiosity Nano Base for Click boards™, which features multiple mikroBUS™ sockets so you can easily add sensors, actuators or communications interfaces from Mikroelektronika’s extensive selection of Click boards.
The on-chip integrated analog peripherals include Zero Cross Detect (ZCD), comparators, an 8-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) and a 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter with Computation (ADCC) that automates averaging, filtering, oversampling and automatic threshold comparison. The Capacitive Voltage Divider (CVD) enables touch sensing applications.
Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) provides ultimate flexibility when routing digital signals to device pins. With PPS, any digital peripheral can be connected to any I/O pin on the fly for a customized layout. This allows you to maintain layout compatibility with older PIC® MCUs, even as new features are implemented.
The on-chip Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) peripheral eliminates the need for external components and complicated design work. With these on-chip peripherals, you can apply customized logic to reduce latency without expanding your application’s code size.
IDLE and DOZE low-power modes allow you to optimize your application for device performance and power consumption. The Peripheral Module Disable (PMD) allows unused peripherals to be turned off individually, further reducing power consumption for maximum battery life.