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Our portfolio of Electronic Programmable Logic Devices (EPLDs) includes two major product categories: Simple Programmable Logic Devices (SPLDs) and higher-density Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs).  Visit our PLD Design Resources page for information about software and hardware tools that simplify the development of applications using our SPLDs and CPLDs.

Industry-Standard SPLDs

Microchip is the sole manufacturer of SPLD products that replaced PLA- and PAL-type devices in the mid-1990s. These products consist of industry-standard 16V8 and 22V10 families of devices that are available in a variety of voltage and power-saving options. We offer low-voltage, zero-power and quarter-power versions, as well as our proprietary "L" devices that automatically power down to low-power mode,  including the battery-friendly ATF22LV10CQZ. These devices are available in all popular package types, including the Microchip-only TSSOP package, which is the smallest package offered for any SPLD device. All versions are EE-based for high reliability and easy reprogramming and are supported by our free WinCUPL design software. These SPLDs can also be programmed using popular third-party programmers. Click on the PLD Design Resources link above for more information about software and hardware tools.

Industry Standard-Compatible CPLDs

Our CPLDs can be used for I/O expansion as well as for memory, control and interfacing with different types of memories such as compact Flash or mobile SDRAM.

The ATF15xxAS/ASL/ASV/ASVL family offers pin-compatible supersets of the popular Altera 7000 and 3000 series devices. They range from 32 to 128 macrocells with propagation delays from 7.5 to 15 ns for standard-power 5V versions and 15 ns for 3.3V versions. Our proprietary low-power ("L") versions use Input Transition Detection (ITD) to power down the device automatically when the device is idle. All devices also support JTAG In-System Programming (ISP).

The ATF15xx family of CPLDs delivers enhanced functionality and flexibility without requiring any additional design effort. The Logic Doubling® architecture allows you to implement double the latch functions per microcell, enabling you to use a smaller device or providing spare room for revisions. This family of devices also offers the most powerful switch matrix and routing resources of any CPLD while also supporting multiple independent feedbacks, individual output enable, global clear, D/T/latch-configurable flip-flops, more global clock pins and a programmable pin keeper circuit for bus interfacing.

Converting an Altera EPM7000 series design is easy with our free, push-button POF2JED software utility that generates an industry-standard JEDEC programming file from an Altera POF file. Click on the PLD Design Resources link above for more information about software and hardware tools.

Proprietary CPLDs

Our ATF750C/CL and ATF2500C CPLDs have a unique architecture that enables you to pack in more logic in a fully interconnected manner. The ATF750C has twice the logic of a standard 22V10 in a pinout-compatible 24- or 28-pin package. The ATF750C is ideal for 22V10 designs that need a bit more logic than is offered in a 22V10 device but need to maintain the 22V10 pinout. The ATF2500C is a very-high-density (2500 usable gates) 44-pin CPLD that is suitable for the most difficult 44-pin designs. The ATF2500C (electrically erasable) is a replacement for the ATV2500B/BQ/BQL/BL in commercial, industrial and military temperature grade offerings.

Product Families

Commercial/Industrial EPLDs

Device Family Key Benefits Applications Technologies Key Parameters
ATF15xx CPLD Family
  • Low power
  • High performance
  • In-System Programming (ISP)
  • I/O Expansion
  • 20 year Data Retention
  • Industrial
  • Medical
  • Consumer
  • Wired
  • Wireless
  • Low power
  • Electrically erasable
  • ISP
  • 32–128 macrocells
  • 7.5 ns speed
  • 3.3V–5.0V operation
  • Twice the density of a 22V10
  • CMOS and TTL compatible
  • Security fuse feature
  • Programmable pin keepers
  • Printers
  • Bus interface logic
  • Peripheral controller
  • Counters
  • Low power
  • Electrically erasable
  • 20 flip-flops
  • 750 gates 
  • 10 I/O pins
  • 3.3V–5.0V operation
  • Fully connected logic
  • Flexible macrocell structure
  • Power management
  • Bus arbitration
  • Memory and I/O interface
  • Electrically erasable
  • 2500 gates
  • 24 macrocells
  • 48 registers
  • 5V operation
  • Voltage- and power-saving options
  • EE-based for high-reliability and easy re-programming
  • 20 year data retention
  • Glue logic
  • Traffic controllers
  • PAL replacement
  • Bus interface
  • Memory mapping
  • Electrically erasable
  • 250–500 gates
  • 5 ns speed
  • 3.3V– 5.0V operation

Military EPLDs

Microchip is committed to producing high-performance products for military and aerospace applications. Our military EPLD products combine the reliability and high performance required for military applications and are compliant with the MIL-DSCC Class B flow. The ATF22V10C and ATF750C devices are recommended for military designs.

We also support the DSCC Standard Military Drawing (SMD) program. Each SMD part number that Microchip supplies has an “/883” at the end of the part number. Our DSSC SMD-qualified EPLD products range from the popular ATF22V10B to the high-density ATF750C. The ATF2500C device, which replaced the ATV2500B/BQ/BQL/BL, is offered as a Military temperature tested device only.

Device(s) SMD Speed (ns) ICC (mA) Type ICC (mA) Max Package
ATF22V10C-10NM/883 5962-89841163A 10 90 145 28 LCC
ATF22V10C-10GM/883 5962-8984116LA 10 90 145 24 CerDip
ATF22V10C-15NM/883 5962-89841153A 15 65 120 28 LCC
ATF22V10C-15GM/883 5962-8984115LA 15 65 120 24 CerDip
ATF22V10B-10NM/883 5962-89841063X 10 90 145 28 LCC
ATF22V10B-10GM/883 5962-8984106LA 10 90 145 24 CerDip
ATF22V10B-15NM/883 5962-89841033X 15 65 120 28 LCC
ATF22V10B-15GM/883 5962-8984103LA 15 65 120 24 CerDip
ATF750C-10GM/883 5962-0720101MLA 10 135 190 24 CerDip
ATF750C-10NM/883 5962-0720101M3A 10 135 190 28 LCC
ATF750C-15GM/883 5962-0720102MLA 15 135 190 24 CerDip
ATF750C-15NM/883 5962-0720102M3A 15 135 190 28 LCC
ATF2500C-20KM*   20 80 130 44-pin JLCC

*Military Temperature Grade EPLD
Email Sales for availability (stock) of older parts that have been discontinued such as the AT22V10, AT22V10L.

Simple and Complex Programmable Logic Products