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DirectC Embedded Programmer

DirectC facilitates in-system embedded programming of Microchip FPGAs using an integrated or external microprocessor (MPU) that contains either JTAG-DirectC or SPI-DirectC.  These methods use direct and indirect memory access to complete the programming. JTAG-DirectC supports PolarFire® SoCPolarFireIGLOO® 2,  SmartFusion® 2RTG4™ProASIC® 3IGLOO ,  SmartFusion® and Fusion devices. SPI-DirectC supports PolarFire SoCPolarFireIGLOO 2 and SmartFusion 2 devices.

The source code integrates JTAG-DirectC and SPI-DirectC by adding the necessary Application Programming Interface (API) calls and compiling the modified source code to create a binary executable. The binary executable is downloaded onto the system along with the programming data file.

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Installation Instructions

Save the file to your local hard drive.

In Windows® Explorer, navigate to the directory where the downloaded file is located.

Double click the executable file. The user guide and the C header files for programming with DirectC will be extracted from the file during installation.


Frequently Asked Questions

DirectC FAQ 02 Nov 2009