TC1040 | Microchip Technology


  • •Combines Two Comparators and a Voltage Reference in a Single Package
    •Optimized for Single-Supply Operation
    •Ultra Low Input Bias Current ..... Less than 100 pA
    •Low Quiescent Current ....... Operating 10 mA (Typ.)
    ...............................Shutdown 6 mA (Typ.)
    •Rail-to-Rail Inputs and Outputs
    •Operates Down to VDD = 1.8V
    •Reference and One Comparator Remain Active in
    •Shutdown to Provide Supervisory Functions
The TC1040 is a mixed-function device combining two comparators and a voltage reference in a single 8-Pin package. The inverting input of comparator A and the non-inverting input of comparator B are internally connected to the reference. This increased integration allows the user to replace two packages, which saves space, lowers supply current, and increases system performance. The TC1040 operates from two 1.5V alkaline cells down to VDD = 1.8V. It requires only 10 mA, typical, of supply current, which significantly extends battery life. A low-power shutdown input (SHDN) disables one of the comparators, placing its output in a high-impedance state. This mode saves battery power and allows comparator outputs to share common analog lines (multiplexing). Shutdown current is 6 mA (typical). Rail-to-rail inputs and outputs allow operation from low supply voltages with large input and output signal swings. Packaged in an 8-Pin MSOP, the TC1040 is ideal for applications requiring low-power level detection.


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