The PIC18-Q83 family expands the 8-bit MCUs by combining an extensive array of Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs) with Controller Area Network (CAN). These cost optimized MCUs contain time-saving CIPs in up to 48-pins with up to 128 KB of flash memory. The family introduces new features and peripherals like the Universal Timer (UTMR) with customization capability; context switching added to the 12-bit ADC with Computation for automating analog signal analysis for real-time system response. Additionally, it includes industry standard options, JTAG Boundary Scan, 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) with memory scan on boot for added system safety. System designers can benefit greatly by saving time, as it is significantly easier to configure a hardware-based peripheral, as opposed to writing and validating an entire software routine, to accomplish a task.
Functional Safety:
This product is suitable for safety-critical applications targeting automotive (ISO 26262), industrial (IEC 61508) and consumer goods (IEC 60730) applications. Various important collateral and tools are available to aid developers of safety applications – refer to the Product Features below for a list of device specific safety collaterals. TÜV SÜD certified MPLABX development tools are also available for this product. Contact your local Microchip sales office or your distributor for more information.