Have peace of mind knowing you’re viewing current information and products direct from the manufacturer.
See real-time inventory availability for the world’s largest supply of Microchip products, as well as delivery dates and total order cost before you checkout.
Business Account clients can submit a request online for special high-volume pricing for large-quantity orders.
Secure future inventory up to 36 months in advance with a Business Account.
Buy now and pay later with a credit limit from Microchip. Instant access upon approval of your Business Account.
Our international, factory client-support team is here to help you solve any questions or concerns you may have.
Save time by drop-shipping to your clients in more than 60 countries around the world.
We support multiple payment types including most major credit cards, AliPay, AmazonPay, PayPal, UnionPay, wire transfer and Microchip credit limit.
Our non-commissioned Client Success Team can help validate your designs and accelerate your time to market.
Our Technical Learning Center offers a wealth of educational resources, including live and on-demand courses and videos.
Save time, money and protect your intellectual property by purchasing and programming with one source.
Microchip’s long product lifecycle, dependable delivery, quality and product warranty help reduce the risks along your journey to market.
Convinced yet? Try it for yourself on www.microchipdirect.com or watch a short video that demonstrates all the benefits of purchasing direct.