Device side
Host side
To evaluate the CoaXPress solution, a three-board hardware set up is utilized. A device board with onboard PolarFire device (MPF100T-1FCSG325I) and a CoaXPress PHY transmits high- resolution image data to the host. The host-side board utilizes a high-speed FMC connector to plug into the PolarFire Video Kit. Both development boards are required and have to be purchased separately.
The CoaXPress boards support a 12.5G CoaXPress PHY and include ready to use reference designs for quick prototyping. Microchip’s CoaXPress FMC daughter card is the hardware evaluation platform for evaluating and testing the CoaXPress protocol. The daughter card works with the PolarFire Video Kit which features the PolarFire FPGA device. This kit needs to be purchased separately. The kit is purpose-built for effortless prototyping of popular imaging and video protocols including MIPI CSI-2 TX, MIPI CSI-2 RX, HDMI 1.4 TX, HDMI2.0, DSI, and HD/3G/6G/12G SDI. With a 300K logic element (LE) PolarFire FPGA with DDR4 and SPI-flash the kit is ideally suited for mid-bandwidth imaging and video applications.
Document Category
AN5021: PolarFire CoaXPress Video Application Note (Earlier DG0884) | 08 Feb 2024 | Link | Application Notes |
Licensing Libero® SoC PolarFire Design Suite offers high productivity with its comprehensive, easy-to-learn, and easy-to-adopt development tools for designing with Microchip’s PolarFire FPGAs. The suite integrates industry standard Synopsys Synplify Pro synthesis and Mentor Graphics ModelSim simulation with best-in-class constraints management and debug capabilities.The PolarFire kit is now supported by a free Libero silver license. Download the latest Libero SoC PolarFire release from Microchip website. Generate your free silver license at Microchip portal. |
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