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Microchip’s TCP/IP stack includes the following key features:

  • Supported Protocols: ARP, IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP, DHCP, SNTP, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, TFTP
  • Socket support for TCP and UDP
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • NetBIOS Name Service
  • DNS – Domain Name System
  • Ethernet Device Discovery


The Microchip TCP/IP Stack provides a foundation for embedded network applications by handling most of the interaction required between the physical network port and your application. It includes modules for several commonly used application layers, including HTTP for serving web pages, SMTP for sending e-mails, SNMP for providing status and control, Telnet, TFTP, Serial-to-Ethernet and much more. In addition, the stack includes light-weight and high-performance implementations of the TCP and UDP transport layers, as well as other supporting modules such as IP, ICMP, DHCP, ARP, and DNS.

Microchip offers a free licensed TCP/IP stack optimized for the PIC18, PIC24, dsPIC33 and PIC32 microcontroller families. The stack is divided into multiple layers, where each layer accesses services from one or more layers directly below it. As specifications, many of the TCP/IP layers are “live”, in the sense that they not only act when a service is requested, but also when events like time-out or new packet arrival occurs.

The TCP/IP stack is modular in design and written in the 'C' programming language. It follows the TCP/IP (Internet) protocol suite. The stack currently supports the TCP and UDP transport layer modules, the IPv4 (and part of the ICMP) Internet Layer modules, the ARP link layer modules, and a variety of application layer modules. Most of the Media Access Control link layer functionality is provided by the hardware MAC/PHY chips used with the stack.


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Help files for MLA v2015-08-10 Download bc50a547-8e4c-4b72-abc9-8bfb2f1df4c9
Release notes for MLA v2015-08-10 Download 03eb60dc-ab4b-4a25-bbc1-263c4a871f23
Microchip MRF24W Getting Started Guide for MRF24WB0MA/B, MRF24WG0MA/B for MLA v5 Download fbc1296d-6497-4996-83f1-2d34a864d91d

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Development Tools

MRF Wi-Fi® Series

Microchip has engineered a Wi-Fi® solution for a broad range of Microchip's 8/16/32-bit PIC® microcontrollers. The MRF solution tightly integrates the Wi-Fi driver into Microchip's TCP/IP networking stack so that developers do not have to download a separate Wi-Fi driver. The development kit includes all of the hardware, software, documentation and example applications that enable a customer to prototype a Wi-Fi® application in a day.

 Development Kit  MCU Platform  Source Code
 PICDEM™.net2 + AC164149 MRF24WG0MA Wi-Fi G PICtail™/PICtail™ Plus Daughter Board  8-bit  MLA
 Explorer 16 + AC164149 MRF24WG0MA Wi-Fi G PICtail™/PICtail™ Plus Daughter Board  16-bit, 32-bit  MLA
 DV102412 Wi-Fi® G Demo Board  32-bit  MLA
 DM182018 MiWi to Wi-Fi® Wireless Demo Kit  32-bit  MLA