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Part Number: TCHIP011


  • PIC32MX250F128D-50I/ML microcontroller, which includes 128KB Flash and 32K RAM
  • MPIDE (Multi Platform IDE - a fork of the Arduino IDE) supports Fubarino Mini board out of the box
  • Max 33 I/O pins (normally 27)
  • Pads for 32 KHz crystal
  • CPU runs at 48MHz
  • Comes with headers (not installed) for easy mounting on a breadboard
  • USB connector for power, programming, and connection to PC (serial, mass storage, etc.)
  • Two buttons: RESET for resetting the board, and PRG for getting into bootloader mode and user application use
  • USB bootloader pre-programmed at the factory – no other hardware needed to program board
  • Separate ICSP connector – for hardware programming/debugging with PICKit3 or other ICSP programmer (not needed for use with MPIDE environment)
  • USB cable included
Part Number: Quantity: Price per Unit (in USD): Total Amt:


The Fubarino® Mini is a prototyping-friendly platform for developing Arduino compatible 32-bit applications. Compact size (5.1 cm x 1.9 cm) and low cost allow the Mini to fit almost anywhere. (It’s actually much smaller than a stick of gum!) Includes a USB bootloader that works with the chipKIT/MPIDE platform. Connect directly to your application using solder pads, or add the male expansion headers and plug into a breadboard. 


Document Id
Fubarino Mini User Reference Manual Download 04bf870e-923a-409a-bcb7-91541dda20cf
Fubarino Mini Schematic Download 04bef31f-0f4b-4798-a379-31e1e267dadd

Additional Resources

How to Enter Programming Mode

Before you can compile and upload a sketch to the Fubarino Mini, you must put it into programming mode. This is very simple - simply press and hold the PRG button while you press and release the RESET button. Then release the PRG button. If programming mode was successfully entered, the green LED will rapidly blink. You can then click the Upload button (right pointing arrow) in MPIDE and if your code compiles properly, it will be uploaded.

Note that the serial port that MPIDE uses to upload new code to the Fubarino Mini board does not exist until you put the board into programming mode. So it will not show up in the Tools->Serial Port menu until you put it into programming mode.

Additional Information:

The Fubarino Mini is small 33 pin Arduino API compatible board with a difference. The PIC32MX250 part used on Fubarino Mini has a Peripheral Pin Select function for almost all of its I/O pins. When writing sketches for the Fubarino Mini, you must remember to connect an internal peripheral (like SPI or UART) to a particular set of I/O pins using the PPS functions (ppsInputSelect() and ppsOutputSelect()) before trying to use the peripheral. See the example code for more detailed information.

For additional information including Eagle project files, visit Fubarino.org and Schmalz Haus LLC

For technical support on any chipKIT-compatible board such as the Fubarino Mini, visit chipKIT.org/forum

Fubar Labs and Schmalz Haus LLC are trusted Third Party Tool providers.