PBP includes a purpose-built IDE called MicroCode Studio, but many prefer to work in the well-known MPLAB IDE from Microchip. We include a language tool plugin for MPLAB IDE to allow seamless development using Microchip's development tools. Debugging in this environment can be switched from Source to Assembly level for full access to the generated code.
- Familiar BASIC syntax
- IF (condition) THEN / ELSE / ELSEIF /ENDIF
- Direct Register Access
- All Special Function Registers are pre-mapped by PBP and accessible by name
- Built-In Commands for operations common to embedded development
- Accurate Delays in uS and mS resolutions
- Analog to Digital Conversion
- Asynchronous Serial Communications (RS-232, RS-485, etc)
- Synchronous Serial including I2C and SPI
- Character LCD
- Parsing and Formatting of ASCII Strings
- Sinusoidal Frequency Generation and DTMF (requires hardware filtering)
- Pulse-Width Measurement
- Low-Power Mode
- Conditional Compilation with Command-Line Constants
- In-Line Assembly Language
- Easy Device Configuration
- Configuration settings listed for each supported device
- New #CONFIG directive eliminates the need to edit header files
- Interrupts in BASIC or Assembly Language
- Newly revised and expanded, 300+ page reference manual
- MPLAB v8, MPLAB X IDE compatible
- Technical Support via Telephone, Email, and Community Forum