dsPICworks™ is an easy-to-use data analysis and signal processing package for Microsoft’s Windows® 9x, NT, 2000 and Windows® XP platforms. It provides an extensive number of functions encompassing:
dsPICworks™ Software and User Guide | Download |
dsPICworks™ software | Download | 29 Oct 2010 |
Getting Started
Signal Generation:
dsPICworks supports an extensive set of signal generators including basic sine, square and triangle wave generators as well as advanced generators for window functions, unit step, unit sample, sync, exponential and noise functions. Noise, with specified distribution, can be added to any signal. Signals can be generated as 32 bit floating-point or as 16-bit fractional fixed point values for any desired sampling rate. The length of the generated signal is limited only by available disk space. Signals can be imported or exported from or to MPLAB file-register windows. Multi-channel data can be created by a set of multiplexing functions.
Arithmetic and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Operations:
dsPICworks has a wide range of DSP and arithmetic functions, which can be applied to signals. Standard DSP functions include transform operations – FFT and DCT, convolution and correlation, signal decimation, signal interpolation sample rate conversion and digital filtering. Digital filtering is an important part of dsPICworks. It uses filters designed by the sister-application, dsPIC® Filter Design, and applies them to synthesized or imported signals. dsPICworks also features special operations such as signal clipping, scaling, and quantization - all of which are vital in real practical analysis of DSP algorithms.
Display and Measurement:
dsPICworks has a wide variety of display and measurement options. Frequency domain data may be plotted in the form of 2-dimensional ‘spectrogram’ and 3-dimensional ‘waterfall’ options. The signals can be measured accurately by a simple mouse-click. The log window shows current cursor coordinates as well as derived values such as difference from last position and signal frequency. Signal strength may be measured over a particular range of frequencies. Special support also exists for displaying multi-channel / multiplexed data. Graphs allow zoom options. The user may choose from a set of color scheme options to customize display settings.
File Import/Export - MPLAB and MPLAB ASM30 support:
dsPICworks allows data to be imported from the external world in the form of ASCII-text or binary files. Conversely, it also allows data to be exported out in the form of files. dsPICworks supports all file formats supported by the MPLAB Import/Export-Table feature. This allows the user to bring in real-world data from MPLAB into dsPICworks for analysis. dsPICworks can also create ASM30 assembler files that can be included into the MPLAB workspace.