PIC32CK GC Curiosity Ultra Development Board | Microchip Technology

Part Number: EV44P93A

PIC32CK GC Curiosity Ultra Development Board

The following are key features of the PIC32CK GC Curiosity Ultra development board:

  • PIC32CK2051GC01144, 120 MHz, 2 MB Flash, 512 KB SRAM
  • Arm® Cortex®-M33 Microcontroller
  • On-Board debugger (PKoB4)
  • Real-time Programming and Debugging
  • Graphics interface
  • 100/10 MB/s Ethernet
  • High Speed USB (Type-C)
  • Full Speed USB (Micro) 


The PIC32CK GC  Curiosity Ultra Kit is is a hardware platform intended to speed up the development process for PIC32CK GC microcontroller designs. 

The PIC32CK GC series of MCUs is our first Arm® Cortex®-M33 Microcontroller with a wide range of connectivity options including Ethernet, CAN FD, HS & FS  USB, I2S, I2C, SPI, etc. that can implement such functionality and applications such as industrial gateways, graphics, and automotive applications.

Users can expand functionality through Arduino Uno R3, Mikroe Bus, or Xplained Pro compatible expansion boards. 

MPLAB® Harmony v3: https://www.microchip.com/en-us/tools-resources/configure/mplab-harmony

