EV23P16A MCP9984-A Temperature Sensor | Microchip Technology

Part Number: EV23P16A

EV23P16A MCP9984-A Temperature Sensor

  • Easy demo board to learn the features of this temperature sensing family
  • Quick connection to PC for temperature sensing applications
  • Graphs temperature in the Thermal Management Utility GUI


The EV23P16A is an evaluation board designed to demonstrate the features of the MCP998X ±1.0°C accurate, multichannel, automotive temperature sensor family.  The EV23P16A comes with the MCP9984-A version which features the SMBus address decode functionality.  The address decode feature allows the device to change SMBus client address upon power-up based on a pull-up resistor connected to the THERM/ADDR pin.  This EVB utilizes the Thermal Management Utility to easily communicate with the device and log temperature readings using a computer.

Package Contents
  • EV23P16A MCP998X-A Temp Sensor EVB
  • Micro USB Cable
  • 2x 2N3904 Transistors



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