The PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics with Stacked DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (DM320010 for non-Crypto development or DM320010-C for Crypto development) provides a low-cost method for the development and testing of graphics applications with PIC32MZ DA family devices.
Ethernet PHY Daughter Boards compatible with PIC32MZ DA Starter Kit are listed below
LAN8720A PHY Daughter Board (AC320004-3)
LAN9303 PHY Switch Daughter Board (AC320004-4)
For starter kits populated with the PIC32MZ2064DAH (older) on the daughter card, please visit the MPLAB Harmony 2 Framework site for information about software, demos, and board support packages.
For starter kits populated with the PIC32MZ2064DAS (newer) on the daughter card, please visit the MPLAB Harmony 3 Framework site for information about software, demos, and board support packages.
This starter kit is designed to be used with the optional Multimedia Expansion Board II (DM320005-5)