The Microchip PIC24F Accessory Development Start Kit for Android™ is a standalone board used for evaluating and developing electronic accessories for Google’s Android operating system for smartphones and tablets. This kit provides all of the tools and resources required to get an accessory developer quickly started on Android devices. The platform provides a library for accessing and talking to Android devices through the accessory framework found in the Android OS versions 2.3.4, 3.1 and later.
Example applications show how to connect and communicate over the accessory framework using a simple bi-directional application as an example. Firmware examples show how to complete the design using the Android accessory library showing how to interface from the hardware portion of the design to the example application. Example schematics provide a starting point to get a hardware design started.
The Basic Accessory Demo application file is one of the application examples in the Microchip Accessory Development Platform for Android. This application and other example applications are also available through the Android marketplace.
The library can be downloaded as part of the Legacy Version: Microchip Libraries for Applications (MLA) for 16-bit and 32-bit PIC MCUs.