The Modulo-2 Powered by the Afero Cloud, is an IoT development kit that connects any Microchip microcontroller (MCU) with an XPRO interface to the Afero Modulo-2 IoT reference design board. The kit provides easy and rapid firmware development and connects IoT applications to the Afero Cloud over the ATWINC3400 Wi-Fi®/Bluetooth® low energy technology combo chip and the Arm® Cortex®-M4 based ATSAMG55 microcontrolller.
This is a true end-to-end IoT security solution. Certificates and provisioning are all managed and taken care of by the Afero Cloud. Credentials are safely stored and protected in the pre-provisioned ATECC508A CryptoAuthentication device and well isolated from the user's application.
After setting up an Afero account, the user onboards the Modulo-2 hardware by scanning the associated QR code via the Afero mobile app, available from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. It allows the designer to concentrate on the system design and decreases the complexity of security and wireless architectures.
The Modulo-2 can operate either within the socketed environment of the adapter board or, with minimal programming, autonomously. The Afero Modulo-2 board gives you a simple and easy-to-use IoT reference design.
To learn more, check out this Video about building a mouse trap.