Programmable PWM blanking time for current switching spikes
Onboard 5v and 12V LDO regulators
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This product is no longer available for sale. The MCP8024 TQFP BLDC Motor Driver Evaluation Board demonstrates Microchip’s MCP8024 3-Phase Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor Gate Driver in a BLDC motor drive application. The MCP8024 contains the high-side and low-side drivers for external N-channel MOSFETs. A dsPIC33FJ32MC204 motor control processor is used to supply the PWM inputs to the MCP8024 as well as handle the high-speed Analog-To-Digital Conversion (ADC) required for 40 KHz PWM operation. The MCP8024 onboard UART is used to configure the MCP8024 and to send fault information to the dsPIC controller. The evaluation board firmware uses a 6-step trapezoidal drive control algorithm to demonstrate the MCP8024 capabilities.
Devices Supported: MCP8024, dsPIC33FJ32MC204
Package Contents
1x MCP8024 TQFP BLDC Motor Driver Evaluation Board (ADM00557)
1x dsPIC33FJ32MC204 Plug-In-Module (MA330017)
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