The J-Link BASE Debug Probe is a USB powered in-circuit debugger supporting PIC32 devices. Supercharge any IDE with this fast debugger. The included SEGGER Flash download technology achieves a performance so fast, it's very close to the maximum speed possible. The debug experience is further improved with a 1MBytes/s download speed to RAM. These speeds are achieved when working under any of the many IDEs which have integrated support for the SEGGER J-Link family, including the MPLAB X IDE. So don't take our word for it; order one today, and find that J-Link is a great tool for flash programming and debugging in development and production environments.
-USB Interface
-2-wire JTAG Support
-4-wire JTAG Support
-Up to 1.0 MBytes/sec Download Speed to RAM
-No ROM Monitor/Debug Executive
-Download to Flash
-MPLAB X IDE Support
-GDB Server
-SDK Available
-Unlimited breakpoints in flash memory
-Supports JTAG chains with multiple devices
Note: An adapter cable is available to connect SEGGER J-Link to RJ11 connectors, it's available from SEGGER's website:
Supported Devices
SEGGER keeps an updated list of supported devices on their site.
MPLAB X IDE Plug-In Instructions
Support became available in MPLAB X IDE v2.15. To install the plugin:
For more information, see the Help file forthis plugin under the MPLAB X IDE Help menu (Help > Help Contents > Search for "SEGGER").