"This product is not recommended for new designs. Please consider using the alternate tool, SAM-IoT Wx v2, for your new projects."
Connect your PIC-IoT WA or PIC-IoT WG development board to the Azure IoT Hub via Device Provisioning Service (DPS) while leveraging Microsoft’s Azure IoT Embedded C SDK. Provision the PIC-IoT Wx board to connect to Azure using self-signed X.509 certificate-based authentication.
The PIC-IoT Wx Development Board combines a powerful and low power PIC24FJ128GA705 MCU, an ATECC608A CryptoAuthentication™ secure element IC and the fully-certified ATWINC1510 Wi-Fi® network controller - which provides the most simple and effective way to connect your embedded application to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub. The board also includes an on-board debugger, and requires no external hardware to program and debug the MCU.
To learn how to connect the PIC-IoT Wx development boards to Azure through IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service (DPS), visit https://github.com/Azure-Samples/Microchip-PIC-IoT-Wx