The PIC32 GUI Development Board with Projected Capacitive Touch enables development of cost effective multi touch graphical user interfaces. It is based on PIC32MX795F512 with 105 DMIPS performance, 512KB Flash and 128KB RAM. The PIC32 is coupled with a low cost PSRAM as a high speed graphics frame buffering and a 4.3” WQVGA touch display enabling development of graphics solutions without an external graphics controller. Additionally the board provides USB host and device connectivity and supports I/O connections via through-hole pads for custom board attachment. Multi touch user input is supported by Microchip’s Turnkey Projected Capacitive Touch Controller, MTCH6301. The board is a standalone development platform that can be programmed/debugged via the on board 5-pin In-Circuit Serial Programmer interface designed for Microchip’s PICkit3 In-Circuit Debugger.
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Using PIC32 MCUs to Develop Low-Cost Controllerless (LCC) Graphics Solutions | 04 Nov 2014 | Link | Application Notes |