Title |
Stepper Motor Microstepping with PIC18C452
Name |
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Application Categories |
Application Categories
Automotive /
Body System
Motor Control /
Stepper Motors
Description |
A stepper motor, as its name suggests, moves one step at a time, unlike those conventional motors, which spin continuously. If we command a stepper motor to move some specific number of steps, it rotates incrementally that many number of steps and stops. Because of this basic nature of a stepper motor, it is widely used in low cost, open loop position control systems. Open loop control means no feedback information about the position is needed. This eliminates the need for expensive sensing and feedback devices, such as optical encoders. Motor position is known simply by keeping track of the number of input step pulses.
Title | Title | Download | Date | Size |
AN822 Source Code - Stepper Motor Microstepping with PIC18C452 12.5 KB 06/24/2015 | AN822 Source Code - Stepper Motor Microstepping with PIC18C452 | Download | 06/24/2015 | 12.5 KB |