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Application Categories
Motor Control /
Brushed DC Motors
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Product Categories
8-bit MCU
Description |
The PICmicro ® microcontroller makes an ideal choice for an embedded DC Servomotor application. The PICmicro family has many devices and options for the embedded designer to choose from. Furthermore, pin compatible devices are offered in the PIC16CXXX and PIC18CXXX device families, which makes it possible to use either device in the same hardware design. This gives the designer an easy migration path, depending on the features and performance required in the application. In particular, this servomotor has been implemented on both the PIC18C452 and PIC16F877 devices, and we’ll look at the MCU resources required to support the servomotor application. With an understanding of the servomotor functions, you can start with the design shown here and implement your own custom DC servomotor application based on the PICmicro device that suits your needs.
Title | Title | Download | Date | Size |
AN696 Source Code - PIC18CXXX/PIC16CXXX DC Servomotor 853.2 KB 06/23/2015 | AN696 Source Code - PIC18CXXX/PIC16CXXX DC Servomotor | Download | 06/23/2015 | 853.2 KB |