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AVR061: STK500 Communication Protocol
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This document describes the protocol for the STK500 starterkit. This protocol is based on earlier protocols made for other AVR tools and is fully compatible with them in that there should not be any overlapping or redefined commands.
Title | Title | Download | Date | Size |
AN_2525 Source Code - This document describes the protocol for the STK500 starterkit. This protocol is based on earlier protocols made for other AVR tools and is fully compatible with them in that there should not be any overlapping or redefined commands. 3.1 KB 01/02/2017 | AN_2525 Source Code - This document describes the protocol for the STK500 starterkit. This protocol is based on earlier protocols made for other AVR tools and is fully compatible with them in that there should not be any overlapping or redefined commands. | Download | 01/02/2017 | 3.1 KB |