LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controller | Pt. 1 - Introduction to the Motor Drivers
LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controller | Pt. 2 - Practical Half-Bridge Driver Stages
LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controllers | Pt. 3 - Introduction to Current Sense Amplifiers
LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controllers | Pt. 4 - Applying Current Sense Amplifiers
LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controllers | Pt. 5 - Independent Low-Side and High-Side Drivers
LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controllers | Pt. 6 - Driving a Brushless DC Motor
LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controllers | Pt. 7 - Connecting to a Bipolar Stepper Motor
LX7720 Radiation Hardened Motor Controllers | Pt. 8 - Connecting to Unipolar Stepper Motors
Using the LX7720 and SAMRH71 for Motor Control Applications in Space