Our logo is a visual representation of our brand, so we have developed our Logo Usage Guidelines, available using the link below, that apply to customers, licensees, consultants, outside vendors and other third-party partners of Microchip Technology Inc.
Although we have also provided a link to a downloadable zip file containing versions of our logo, please note that these conditions regarding the use of logo apply:
- You may not use the Microchip logo on your marketing, promotional or packaging materials, products or website unless you have an express written trademark license from Microchip.
- You may also not use the logo to link to the Microchip website unless you have permission to do so.
- If you are a licensee, your use of the Microchip logo may have specific contractual acknowledgment requirements or other restrictions. Refer to your contract license to get information about any specific requirements over and above the guidelines noted in this document.
You do not need to request permission to use the Microchip logo if:
- You already have written permission from Microchip
- You are a journalist, blogger or employee of a media outlet and want to use the logo for editorial purposes only
- You work for a not-for-profit or charitable organization that is supported by Microchip
These guidelines may be modifed by Microchip at any time and at our sole discretion. If you have any questions, please contact our Legal Department by sending an e-mail to legal.department@microchip.com.