Microchip India focuses on delivering high-quality semiconductor designs and solutions, business enablement and support and strong transformational leadership across our Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad locations. We are an extension of corporate strategic business functions and we continuously deliver quality results and support the overall success of Microchip as a world-class leader in embedded designs and solutions. Microchip India supports the business units for 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs), 32-bit microprocessors (MPUs), networking and data center solutions, FPGA product development, wired and wireless solutions, programming and development tools, security and authentication products, embedded controllers and timing products.
Microchip India is strategically located in Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad with over 2000 employees striving to deliver indistinguishable products and solutions to a large base of worldwide customers. With a strong intention to grow business and enable job opportunities in the region, Microchip has invested in these three cities with its own office spaces demonstrating long-term business commitment. In addition, our sales and support teams extended their offices in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and New Delhi for supporting domestic and global customers.
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