LAN9420 NDIS 5.1 Driver for Windows : v2.13.0000.0000

This file provides information about LAN9420 NDIS driver for Windows.

A. Windows Operating systems Supported
B. Automated Installer based instructions
C. INF based installation instructions
D. Driver Configurable Parameters
E. Release History
F. Known Issues

A. Windows Operating Systems Supported
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) 
- Windows XP SP2 (64 bit)
- Windows Vista SP1 (32 bit)
- Windows Vista SP1 (64 bit)
- Windows 7 (32 bit)
- Windows 7 (64 bit)

This distribution contains driver certified by Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality 
Labs for following operating systems:
- Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) 
- Windows XP SP2 (64 bit)
for further details on WHQL certification)

B. Automated Installer based instructions
If you received this driver package as a self extracting autolaunch executable the
installation will have started automatically upon execution. Follow the on screen 

Note that the automated installer can also be started in quiet mode (no dialogues or 
prompt) by decompressing the package contents (it's a Winzip self executable file) 
and running the following command line from it's root "installer /q /se"

When installing the device on Windows Vista or Windows 7 this will provide a seamless 
automated install experience whether you run the installer software first and then 
plug the device, or do it in the reversed order.

Automated installer package contents:
\Readme.txt                             -   This file
\install.exe                            -   EXE that checks the platform and launches the 
                                            appropriate DPInst executable for the architecture
                                            (see below).
\x86\DpInstx86.exe                      -   Microsoft redistributable Driver Package installer
                                            utility for x86
\x86\DpInst.xml                         -   DPInst configuration/customization file.
\x86\AppData\Eula409.txt                -   End User License Agreement Text
\x86\AppData\watermark.bmp              -   Left margin watermark bitmap
\x86\AppData\logo.bmp                   -   Company or device logo bitmap
\x86\Driver\NET94-51-x86.INF            -   NDIS 5.1 driver installation file for x86
\x86\Driver\            -   NDIS 5.1 driver signed catalog file for x86
\x86\Driver\L94XX-51-X86.sys            -   NDIS 5.1 driver file for x86
\x86\Driver\WdfCoInstaller01009.dll     -   MSFT's Wdf Coinstaller v1.9 for x86

\x64\DpInstx64.exe                      -   Microsoft redistributable Driver Package installer 
                                            utility for x64
\x64\DpInst.xml                         -   DPInst configuration/customization file.
\x64\AppData\Eula409.txt                -   End User License Agreement Text
\x64\AppData\watermark.bmp              -   Left margin watermark bitmap
\x64\AppData\logo.bmp                   -   Company or device logo bitmap
\x64\Driver\NET94-51-X64.INF            -   NDIS 5.1 driver installation file for x64
\x64\Driver\            -   NDIS 5.1 driver signed catalog file for x64
\x64\Driver\L94XX-51-X64.sys            -   NDIS 5.1 driver file for x64
\x64\Driver\WdfCoInstaller01009.dll     -   MSFT's Wdf Coinstaller v1.9 for x64

C. INF based installation instructions
If you received this driver package as a zip file containing just sys, inf, cat, dll and 
this readme.txt file you need to do an "INF based" install.

1. Power off the PC.
2. Insert the LAN9420 PCI card.
3. Power up the PC.
4. After booting, Windows XP will pop up a "Found New hardware" Wizard.
   Follow the on screen instructions, answer the questions to instruct Windows NOT to search 
   for drivers and that you will provide them yourself. Enter the path to the root of this 
   distribution (where the NDIS5.1 driver files are located) and let windows complete the 
   installation process as usual for any NIC card.

INF based package contents:
\Readme.txt                             -   This file

\x86\Driver\NET94-51-x86.INF            -   NDIS 5.1 driver installation file for x86
\x86\Driver\            -   NDIS 5.1 driver signed catalog file for x86
\x86\Driver\L94XX-51-X86.sys            -   NDIS 5.1 driver file for x86
\x86\Driver\WdfCoInstaller01009.dll     -   MSFT's Wdf Coinstaller v1.9 for x86

\x64\Driver\NET94-51-X64.INF            -   NDIS 5.1 driver installation file for x64
\x64\Driver\            -   NDIS 5.1 driver signed catalog file for x64
\x64\Driver\L94XX-51-X64.sys            -   NDIS 5.1 driver file for x64
\x64\Driver\WdfCoInstaller01009.dll     -   MSFT's Wdf Coinstaller v1.9 for x64

D. Driver Configurable Parameters
The following parameters are configurable thru the LAN9420 Advanced properties page:

1. Media Type: Selection of one of the following enumerated values
               -Autonegotiate:                   Advertises Capabilities according to Custom Capabilities
               -10Mbps UTP HALF Duplex:          Forces 10HD without autonegotiating
               -10Mbps UTP Full Duplex:          Forces 10FD without autonegotiating
               -100Mbps UTP HALF Duplex:         Forces 100HD without autonegotiating
               -100Mbps UTP Full Duplex:         Forces 100FD without autonegotiating

2. Flow Control: Configure flow control advertised capabilities

3. Network Address (optional): Allows overriding the MAC address of the device

E. Release History

  Initial release

F. Known Issues