ATWILC3000 is a single chip IEEE 802.11 b/g/n RF/Baseband/MAC link controller and Bluetooth 5. The ATWILC1000 connects to Microchip AVR/SMART MCUs, SMART MPUs, and other processors with minimal resource requirements with simple SPI/SDIO-to-Wi-Fi and UART-to-Bluetooth interfaces.
The ATWILC3000 supports single stream 1x1 802.11n mode providing tested throughput of up to 46 Mbps UDP and 28 Mbps TCP/IP. The ATWILC3000 features fully integrated Power Amplifier, LNA, Switch and Power Management. Implemented in low-power CMOS technology, the ATWILC3000 offers very low power consumption while simultaneously providing high performance and minimal bill of materials.
The ATWILC3000 utilizes highly optimized 802.11-Bluetooth coexistence protocols. The only external clock sources needed for the ATWILC3000 is a high-speed crystal or oscillator and a 32.768 kHz clock for sleep operation.
The ATWILC3000 can be used in Linux, RTOS or Baremetal Environments.
The ATWILC3000 uses the same driver as the ATWILC1000. The ATWILC1000 Linux driver development is now an integrated development under the project.
The current stable release can be found at
The current development branch can be found at
The WILC demo, serial bridge and firmware are hosted at
Microchip's complimentary and confidential Wireless Check online design review service is available for customers who have selected our products for their application design-in*.
*The online design review service is subject to Microchip's Program Terms and Conditions and requires a myMicrochip account.
Looking for a chip level solution? Check out the IC solution here ATWILC3000-IC