Are you looking for a high-reliability, high-efficiency and high power-to-size ratio motor? The obvious solution is a Brushless DC (BLDC) motor. It shares many of the same torque and speed characteristics with the Brushed DC (BDC) motor but does not include the brushes. Technically, it is a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), but it's named Brushless DC as it operates from a DC power supply using an inverter with a simple commutation method and that there are no brushes involved. In some cases, the stator windings are constructed to match the non-sinusoidal commutation.
The BLDC motor’s simpler commutation method allows a wide range of our products to be used to control it, from 8-bit PIC® and AVR® microcontrollers (MCUs), to the MTD650x family of dedicated BLDC driver chips, to advanced dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) and PIC32MK and SAM Arm® Cortex®-M0 based MCUs for sophisticated applications. Selecting the device that is best suited for your application depends on the performance, cost and efficiency you are trying to achieve in your design. Our comprehensive development ecosystem for BLDC motor control enables you to get started with your application quickly.
Products | Hall-Sensored BLDC Control | Sensorless BLDC Control | BLDC Control with Position Feedback |
Microcontrollers (MCUs), Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) |
8-bit PIC® and AVR® MCUs dsPIC33 DSCs 32-bit PIC32MK and SAM MCUs IGLOO® 2 FPGAs SmartFusion® 2 SoC FPGAs |
8-bit PIC and AVR MCUs dsPIC33 DSCs 32-bit PIC32MK and SAM MCUs IGLOO 2 FPGAs SmartFusion 2 SoC FPGAs |
dsPIC33 DSCs 32-bit PIC32MK and SAM MCUs IGLOO 2 FPGAs SmartFusion 2 SoC FPGAs |
Single-Chip Motor Drivers | MTD650x MCP8063 |
MTD650x MCP8063 |
MTD650x MCP8063 |
3-Phase Gate Drivers | ATA6843 ATA6844 MIC4604 MIC4605 MCP8021 |
ATA6843 ATA6844 MIC4604 MIC4605 MCP8022 |
ATA6843 ATA6844 MIC4604 MIC4605 |
Build safe and reliable multi-axis deterministic motor control on a single System-on-Chip (SoC) FPGA. FPGAs provide many advantages for motor control applications, including:
To support the development of motor applications, we provide Brushed DC motor control examples.
MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an expandable, highly configurable software program that incorporates powerful tools to help you discover, configure, develop, debug and qualify embedded designs for Microchip’s microcontrollers and digital signal controllers.
MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) is a free, graphical programming environment that generates seamless, easy-to-understand C code to be inserted into your project.
Motor control application notes on control algorithms include example software and source code.
Sinusoidal and FOC control application notes are listed under the PMSM motor type.
Please visit the full parametric chart. If you still cannot find the chart you are looking for, please complete our Website Feedback Form to notify us of this issue.
Please visit the full parametric chart. If you still cannot find the chart you are looking for, please complete our Website Feedback Form to notify us of this issue.
Please visit the full parametric chart. If you still cannot find the chart you are looking for, please complete our Website Feedback Form to notify us of this issue.
Please visit the full parametric chart. If you still cannot find the chart you are looking for, please complete our Website Feedback Form to notify us of this issue.
Please visit the full parametric chart. If you still cannot find the chart you are looking for, please complete our Website Feedback Form to notify us of this issue.
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Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Using Field Weakening | Download |
Sensorless Position Control of Brushed DC Motor Using Ripple Counting Technique | Download |
Integrated Power Factor Correction (PFC) and Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) System for Microchip 32-bit Microcontrollers Application Note | Download |
Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) of an AC Induction Motor (ACIM) | Download |
AC Induction Motor Fundamentals | Download |
VF Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation | Download |
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CE002 Configuring 10-Bit dsPIC DSC A/D Converters for 1 Msps Conversion Rate | Download |
CE019 - Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers & closed-loop control | Download |
Sensorless FOC PLL Estimator MCLV | Download |
PFC Sensorless FOC PLL Estimator MCHV | Download |
CE155 - Real-Time Data Monitoring (RTDM) Example | Download |
Watch our video demonstration of our high-performance Brushless DC (BLDC) electric scooter motor driver reference design. Speed up your time to market and reduce risk by starting with our design.
Microchip’s advanced motor control solutions in action at DESIGN West 2012! A dsPIC® digital signal controller controls a BLDC motor, an AC induction motor, and a stepper motor using high performance motor control techniques.
This video introduces Microchip’s first feature-rich 3-phase bldc motor gate driver with power module and provides detailed features.
Here is a quick demonstration on how Microchip’s Low-Voltage Motor Control Bundle drives two 10V-24V motors simultaneously.
Watch our video demonstration of our high-performance Brushless DC (BLDC) electric scooter motor driver reference design. Speed up your time to market and reduce risk by starting with our design.
Microchip’s newest motor control development board is loaded with features at a low cost. If you are building an application that needs to spin a motor, this video gives several reasons why you should consider the dsPIC33CK LVMC board.
This video demonstrates using the LX7720 Rad Hard Motor Control IC with the SAMRH71 Rad Hard Arm MPU for satellite motor control and position sensing applications. Key features of each component are given along with a description of the evaluation system using the LX7720-DB daughter board with the SAMRH71F20-EK evaluation kit.
motorBench® Development Suite is a software development tool for Field Oriented Control (FOC) based motor control applications. This tutorial shows you how to go from installation to code generation within minutes.
This video will introduce you to Microchip’s refrigerator compressor reference design that will help you to rapidly prototype and develop a cost-effective and innovative design using a dsPIC33 Digital Signal Controller.
This video will demonstrate how motorBench development suite and the dsPIC33 DSCs simplify spinning a BLDC or PMSM motor.
Microchip's dsPIC33 DSCs enable the design of high-performance, precision motor control systems that are more energy efficient, quieter in operation, have a great range and extended life. See how they can be used to control brushless DC, permanent magnet synchronous, AC induction and stepper motors.
This video introduces Microchip’s latest dsPIC33C family of DSCs offering single core and dual core variants for time-critical control and high-performance embedded applications.
This video will introduce you the dual core dsPIC33CH DSC based Air Conditioner reference design.
This video is a quick introduction to the high-performance dual-core and peripheral of the dsPIC33CH family of DSCs. Learn how to take advantages of the new features of the dsPIC33CH family of DSCs, in your next real-time embedded system development.
This video will demonstrate the basic setup of MPLAB® Code Configurator for a dual-core dsPIC DSCs.
Ever wish you had a microcontroller with an extra core to handle your complex application? Watch how our new dsPIC33CH dual core family operates two cores independently of each other making them ideal for your high-end embedded control system.
This video will introduce you to one of our new peripherals, the Peripheral Trigger Generator or commonly referred as PTG, available on 16-bit dsPIC33 digital signal controllers. The video will give a glimpse into the capabilities of PTG peripheral, which can help you in addressing the challenges of sequencing asynchronous tasks and event triggers.
Learn how you can implement a cost-effective BLDC motor control solution with low cost PIC32MM 32-bit MCUs.
This video demonstrates a highly efficient BLDC ceiling fan using complete microchip solutions, such as microcontrollers, power management solutions (Controller, Regulator and LDO), and wireless communication ICs.
This video will demonstrate the MCP8024 BLDC Motor Driver Evaluation Board.
This video answers popular questions of highly integrated motor drivers from Microchip.
Microchip's High Voltage Motor Control demo board showcases the capability of the dsPIC Digital Signal Controller for motor control.
Microchip’s advanced motor control solutions in action at DESIGN West 2012! A dsPIC® digital signal controller controls a BLDC motor, an AC induction motor, and a stepper motor using high performance motor control techniques.
This video introduces Microchip’s first feature-rich 3-phase bldc motor gate driver with power module and provides detailed features.
Here is a quick demonstration on how Microchip’s Low-Voltage Motor Control Bundle drives two 10V-24V motors simultaneously.
Watch our video demonstration of our high-performance Brushless DC (BLDC) electric scooter motor driver reference design. Speed up your time to market and reduce risk by starting with our design.
Microchip’s newest motor control development board is loaded with features at a low cost. If you are building an application that needs to spin a motor, this video gives several reasons why you should consider the dsPIC33CK LVMC board.
This video demonstrates using the LX7720 Rad Hard Motor Control IC with the SAMRH71 Rad Hard Arm MPU for satellite motor control and position sensing applications. Key features of each component are given along with a description of the evaluation system using the LX7720-DB daughter board with the SAMRH71F20-EK evaluation kit.
motorBench® Development Suite is a software development tool for Field Oriented Control (FOC) based motor control applications. This tutorial shows you how to go from installation to code generation within minutes.
This video will introduce you to Microchip’s refrigerator compressor reference design that will help you to rapidly prototype and develop a cost-effective and innovative design using a dsPIC33 Digital Signal Controller.
This video will demonstrate how motorBench development suite and the dsPIC33 DSCs simplify spinning a BLDC or PMSM motor.
Microchip's dsPIC33 DSCs enable the design of high-performance, precision motor control systems that are more energy efficient, quieter in operation, have a great range and extended life. See how they can be used to control brushless DC, permanent magnet synchronous, AC induction and stepper motors.
This video introduces Microchip’s latest dsPIC33C family of DSCs offering single core and dual core variants for time-critical control and high-performance embedded applications.
This video will introduce you the dual core dsPIC33CH DSC based Air Conditioner reference design.
This video is a quick introduction to the high-performance dual-core and peripheral of the dsPIC33CH family of DSCs. Learn how to take advantages of the new features of the dsPIC33CH family of DSCs, in your next real-time embedded system development.
This video will demonstrate the basic setup of MPLAB® Code Configurator for a dual-core dsPIC DSCs.
Ever wish you had a microcontroller with an extra core to handle your complex application? Watch how our new dsPIC33CH dual core family operates two cores independently of each other making them ideal for your high-end embedded control system.
This video will introduce you to one of our new peripherals, the Peripheral Trigger Generator or commonly referred as PTG, available on 16-bit dsPIC33 digital signal controllers. The video will give a glimpse into the capabilities of PTG peripheral, which can help you in addressing the challenges of sequencing asynchronous tasks and event triggers.
Learn how you can implement a cost-effective BLDC motor control solution with low cost PIC32MM 32-bit MCUs.
This video demonstrates a highly efficient BLDC ceiling fan using complete microchip solutions, such as microcontrollers, power management solutions (Controller, Regulator and LDO), and wireless communication ICs.
This video will demonstrate the MCP8024 BLDC Motor Driver Evaluation Board.
This video answers popular questions of highly integrated motor drivers from Microchip.
Microchip's High Voltage Motor Control demo board showcases the capability of the dsPIC Digital Signal Controller for motor control.
Microchip’s advanced motor control solutions in action at DESIGN West 2012! A dsPIC® digital signal controller controls a BLDC motor, an AC induction motor, and a stepper motor using high performance motor control techniques.
This video introduces Microchip’s first feature-rich 3-phase bldc motor gate driver with power module and provides detailed features.
Here is a quick demonstration on how Microchip’s Low-Voltage Motor Control Bundle drives two 10V-24V motors simultaneously.