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How Do Ventilators Work?

Ventilators are respiratory regulation devices. They help relieve stress on injured or weakened lungs and help in oxygenation by sending a mixture of gases into the lungs. These gases, usually air and oxygen, are put under positive pressure to assist in inhalation and, if necessary, negative pressure to pull air out for exhalation. This ventilator design incorporates flow sensors, temperature sensors, a nebulizer and a humidifier to ensure the necessary amount of air is administered under proper conditions. 

Functional Block Diagram

Click on the green, blue and gray blocks in this diagram to learn more about Microchip's products and solutions.

Considerations for Ventilator Designs

When designing ventilators, you should consider the following:
  •  Cost-efficient, highly integrated microcontrollers (MCUs) and microprocessors (MPUs) that can lower the Bill of Materials (BoM) cost of ventilator designs with integrated features such as analog signal conditioning, industry-leading connectivity and peripheral options
  • Highly accurate, programmable and selectable hysteresis temperature sensors
  • A variety of CryptoAuthentication™ secured connectivity devices such as Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi® and Ethernet


Integrated Graphics and Touch Kit

Low-Voltage Motor Control

Display Module with maXTouch® Technology

MPU Prototyping and Evaluation

Expand Your Ventilator Design with a Vibrating Piezoelectric Nebulizer

Our products can help you combine nebulizer drug delivery with medical ventilator technology to promote rapid and effective healing.